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  1. N


    If you don't write about variants and neglect to use quotes from the tradition's sacred text you have no chance of getting a band 6. So remember: VARIANTS and QUOTES!
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    If you're discussing these variants in ethics then you could also mention that Sunni Muslims use the Qur'an and Hadith as sacred texts, whereas Shi'ite Muslims use the Qur'an, Hadith and Adab. For decision-making, Sunnis use Qiyas (legal precedent) and Ijma (consensus of Muslim scholars)...
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    islamic denominations

    Sunni and Shi'a are variants of Islam
  4. N

    Standard Deviation..

    just to clarify honky tonk's message - you enter a score, press M+, enter a score, press M+ etc And make you sure you press M+ after the last score
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    Official Question 3 Thread - Change Response

    No it said BOOKLAUNCH, not bookstore. I think BOS made a stuff up there.
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    Official Question 2 Thread - Creative Writing

    I used the wedding one. I wrote from the perspective of Murray the red Wiggle as he was looking on at Anthony the yellow Wiggle getting married. He was reflecting back on how much things have changed for "Australia's most successful children's entertainment group." Basically it involved Jeff...
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    My Place Question

    I disagree. I think Sally did 'change.' She wasn't proud of who she was from the start, she didn't know who she was from the start. With the knowledge of her Aboriginality came change within herself and the motivation to try and change 'the environment around her' as you said. Themes, ah...
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    2003 Trial results

    I got 86% which was top in the class (of 9). The next mark was 70% and the rest were 60s. That was for CSSA.
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    What did you think of the Catholic trial?

    I got my results back yesterday and really happy cause I came first out of both General classes. 80% which isnt very high, but hey...
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    describe ur arch enemy at school

    Mine is this girl that thankfully has left now. She was two years younger than me but seemed to be able to do nothing other than give me dirty looks all day. She would scowl at me and I felt sad and isolated. So anyway, then she starts going out with one of the guys from our grade and gets...
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    Uai Prediction Plzz Urgent

    A mark of 48% in Adv English and 50 something in Modern will not get 95 UAI.
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    So, how was the Ancient trial?

    I just finished mine a few hours ago and after much stressing, am much relieved. I may not have done brilliantly but at least it wasnt as bad as I though. Questions I did: Jezebel Athenian Society in time of Pericles Israel: Jeroboam I to Fall of Samaria Augustus and the Julio-Claudians...
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    What did you think of the Catholic trial?

    Step back everyone, Da_BomB is here.
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    What did you think of the Catholic trial?

    I have no idea what Unit2nv as trying to say. What questions had no meaning? So confused....
  15. N

    What did you think of the Catholic trial?

    Majority of people in my Math class said it was really difficult and they didn't have enough time, except for one girl who had finished half an hour early cause she didnt know what to do and let us all know about it. Anyways, I could have done with more time to check over Section II and the...
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    Uai Prediction Plzz Urgent

    The school you go to doesn't matter when UAC calculates your UAI.
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    how was everyones cssa trial

    The physical and cultural interrelatedness one was, according to the notes our teacher gave us, about the vastness of Australia and the way people find it easy to avoid churches because of that. (So the Bush Brotherhoods fit in there) Also the cultural bit was about Australia's fairly secular...
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    how was everyones cssa trial

    I thought it was good - could have used ten more minutes. The questions about "followers putting some thing into practice" was a bit off-putting until I realised it was just a re-wording of the syllabus "everyday life of believers" thing. That one question in the booklet about "beliefs and...
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    Hey, I'm from Bangor too! Whereabouts are you?
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    What exactly do you want help with? Are you asking for a tutor? Maybe your teacher is the best person to ask for help, or if not, make an effort to sit down and read your textbook. If there was a specific area you wanted help with, or a question you could post it and I'm sure you'd get...