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  1. Q

    Do you memorise or derive formulas?

    yes that's chord of contact. right?!
  2. Q

    average marks for e2 and e1

    i've had a look at the CSSA trial and i goto say the independant was much harder =\
  3. Q

    average marks for e2 and e1

    what i've heard is out of the 2000's 2006 is the hardesst for ext 1, not sure bout ext 2. havnt done the hsc's yet though
  4. Q

    Do you memorise or derive formulas?

    you have to derive everything other than the chord of contact and pq= -1 for a latus rectum
  5. Q

    average marks for e2 and e1

    i would say past trials but their difficulty varies, most are harder than hsc's though
  6. Q

    average marks for e2 and e1

    ^ haha that is so true ^ if there was a state ranker among us, his post would appear to be boasting:P
  7. Q

    y=2sinx help

    well does it say evaulaute the integral or find the area? if it says evaluate teh integral then it would just be 0 since its an odd function
  8. Q

    average marks for e2 and e1

    i think all the state rankers are too busy studying than posting their marks here:P
  9. Q

    help SHM :(

    haha >.>
  10. Q

    Do you memorise or derive formulas?

    i derive what i can but sometimes you have to remember:(
  11. Q

    help SHM :(

    wow>.> i never learnt it like that haha
  12. Q

    help SHM :(

    i personally don't remmeber the formula, i look at which one will be more useful for the later parts and work it out to that
  13. Q

    help SHM :(

    theres also another way you can do @ lol you can do cos-1 (a/R)
  14. Q

    help SHM :(

    lol np i only learnt it recently too
  15. Q

    help SHM :(

    here: Transformations (equations involving the sum of sin and cos / axillary angle method) asinx + bcosx = rsin(x+α) asinx - bcosx = rsin(x-α) acosx - bsinx = rcos(x+α) acosx + bsinx = rcos(x-α) Where: r = √(a<sup>2</sup> + b<sup>2</sup>) α is in the first quadrant such that tanα =...
  16. Q

    help SHM :(

    omg the only text book i don't have lol -.- neway its near the part with general solutions of trignometric equations
  17. Q

    help SHM :(

    which text book do you have? il tell you the page no
  18. Q

    help SHM :(

    mighta got the name wrong, its where you change asin@ - bcos@ into Ccos( @-alpha) where alpha is the initial phase
  19. Q

    help SHM :(

    II) x double dot = -4(x-3) there for n^2 = 4 n = 2 therre fore period = 2pi/2 = pi iii) i would use auxilary angle method on x then differentiate iv) let xdot = 2 and work it out edit: should put xdot = plus or minus 2
  20. Q

    Starting at q8?

    also, use your reading time effectively, look at the harder section of the test questions 6-8 and decide which questions you are more confident with, i.e you can score the most marks in and do those first, and do the ones your less confident with after