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  1. ishq

    Ernst & Young

    Haha :) No, unfortunately :) Was she curry or nepalese?
  2. ishq

    UTS Accounting: Judgement Day

    good stuff guys :) congrats!
  3. ishq

    The Ultimate Decision of my Life.

    BAcc employment rate: 100%. Also, no matter which sponser you go to work for, you'll be working in their accounting divisions or departments. The only exception to that rule is Goldman Sachs JBWere, where you don't even step foot in accounting Also, as us first years are finding out now...
  4. ishq

    Ernst & Young

    Jasee - did you have training with any of the BAcc interns? :)
  5. ishq

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and wait for results' Thread i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i passed i...
  6. ishq

    UTS Accounting: Judgement Day

    you can't lol anymore. just doesn't cut it.
  7. ishq

    UTS Accounting: Judgement Day

    BAcc You'll never look back. THAT'S RIGHT. Isn't it, future father-in-law?
  8. ishq

    Ernst & Young

    EY took one first year last time around - but she was a full business student. She got into the division I was alloted - assurance, i think. One of my friends doing comm/law tried last year too - but she didn't make it. I think they might be a bit unsure about that combination :)...
  9. ishq

    Guestimate your autumn final marks :)

    Na! Sciences are easier :) I mean - take ecos for example - people wrote like more than a booklet for that! I could barely manage like 3 pages. I think they're easier because I'm used to them. We need to learn the tricks of commerce :D I'm NOT looking forward to the 19th of July. And...
  10. ishq

    Accounting Cadetships

    You're great publicity for BAcc :) Loving it :) Though its quite true that most people underestimate the importance of BAcc. The course has gone full out on publicity events and promotions this year for the first time, so the competition will thicken :) Looking for Citigroup and JP Morgan...
  11. ishq

    Guestimate your autumn final marks :)

    the sciences were so much easier. i should never have come into business/commerce :(
  12. ishq

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Get Naked and Secks' Thread UTS at night is so weird.
  13. ishq

    Accounting Cadetships

    Hi EsR All Cadetship firms give you a certain date by which you must return your contract - you will have at least two weeks (legally) to accept or decline the offer. Even then, you can speak to the HR team and accept the contract conditionally, depending on whether or not you make the co-op...
  14. ishq


    I wanted to do Media and Comm (Journalism) at UTS :) Still do :( Seriously, do what you really want! Otherwise, things can get really really drab!
  15. ishq

    Good stepping stone for finance students

    hahaha. summarise my life.
  16. ishq


    Also, no one likes co-ops at uni. Especially the lectureres. They hate us.
  17. ishq

    Ernst & Young

    haha :) nice work candii! what day is your BAcc interview? i might be on duty on one of the days. Good Luck!
  18. ishq


    Thats Right. Full Time Uni Pride.
  19. ishq


    good on you :) good luck for it all :)
  20. ishq

    accounintg firms- cadetships

    Hahaha :) No. He's as un-mikey as they get. :) Mikey's off to Korda Mentha