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  1. bowman

    You Am I

    they are touring again, who's going to see them at the Metro on the 25th on next month?
  2. bowman

    back to tafe

    i'm sick of tafe already. bah.
  3. bowman

    Black Sabbath

    are they fucking mad or what, my dad had gotten me into them, they are a 70's version of Metallica, or most hard rock bands these days. fuck i love the riffs, i think the guitarist Tony Iommi is a mad heavy rock guitarist. i think black sabbath need more coverage and respect
  4. bowman

    Joey Rocket

    Who's comming to the Annandale hotel on febuary the 1st to see Joey Rocket. they are a mad new band and have some awesome songs. hope to see all the BOSers there
  5. bowman

    lowest UAI

    i got 50.10 with an average mark of 71. how fucked it that who here got the lowest mark
  6. bowman

    F*ck English

    So who fucked english.....i know i did
  7. bowman

    The 80's

    who is your fav aussie 80's band mine would have to be a toss up between INXS an AC/DC
  8. bowman

    The Best

    was Germany's greatest leader Hitler. wel personally i think so he was just so good in making germany what it is today. remember he did have public support an that is what made him leader in tthe first place. sure he took away the other parties and blamed the reistage fire on the communists...
  9. bowman


    has anyone got minimal for their course mark???? just curious
  10. bowman

    Pol Pot's regime

    Hey guys this is really my first time posting. i was just wondering if i could get some help, i have a major essay on the impact of Pol Pot on cambodia. i was just wondering if u guys have any good web sites that i can use, i have alot of inclass notes. but i want some more infomation so...