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  1. crammy90


    im hoping some1 can answer this lol not much movement in these threads ive got that geostationary satellites if they go off course are fixed by activating rockets on them using "radiowaves"...i thought the satellties were above the ionosphere and that radiowaves were reflected off it...should i...
  2. crammy90

    2004 Hsc

    19 can some1 explain why the answer is a and not b
  3. crammy90

    uncertainty in situations

    so certainty factors are 0-1 attached to a fact to show the likliness its true. Confidence variables are an attribute whos value is cumulatively added through each certainty factor right...So in a GUI a user can specify how certain they are it is going to rain and make the certainty factor ).7...
  4. crammy90


    when a forward chaining inference engine cannot reach a conclusion, does it then begin to use backward chaining?
  5. crammy90

    online storage

    how do we know what its refering to online (web) or online (electronic) :S
  6. crammy90

    log ins

    where are they stored? im guessing file server?
  7. crammy90

    Info syst diagrams

    when you get a picture of the diagram (participants, info pro's, purpose..that 1) "describe the following components and their relationship in the context of the scenario...Purpose, participants, data/info, info tech, organising, processing" - has any1 been advised how to answer these (6marks)...
  8. crammy90


    if pathbased is just a way of generating the animation but are stored as separate frames in the final image, how do they require any less processing than cell-based?
  9. crammy90

    data mining

    is any system that datamines considered to be a DSS as it is getting information to aid in decisions?
  10. crammy90


    for 2001 HSC paper 21 c) could you say that instead of the people at each segment of the parcel sending their data (collected from the barcode scanners) to the database, that infact it is a "download" distributed database system in that the head office computer's database is stored on the...
  11. crammy90

    trig/geometry question 2001 9 a ii

    so i can get a i and i could eventuall do ii from just changing the different sides around as ratio's untill i got the needed equation. When we are doing this ii does every1 just trial and error with the corresponding sides of the similiar triangles untill they end up with the needed equation...
  12. crammy90

    domain and range...yes

    graph y = root(4-x^2) and state range. heres how i have taught myself to do it from answers i) y = o, solve for x to get x=+-2 x = 0 to solve and get y=+-2 so this is a circle right/ but then they take only the top this because of the root? are we meant to know a semi circle is a root...
  13. crammy90

    limiting sum.

    2004 HSC Q9 a ii so r is -tan^2(theta) for what values of theta in the interval -pi/2 < theta < pi/2 does the limiting sum of the series exist. i get the working up upto here -1< tan^2(theta) < 1 then i dont get this... "since tan^2(theta) > 0, only need to solve tan^(theta) <1 :SSSSSS and then...
  14. crammy90


    when im doing sine rule and do sinx = (12sin20/19) to get 0.21... is it because it is less than 0 we do shift sine? i dont undersatnd when we have to use shift sine and when not to
  15. crammy90


    so i know we get x' = 0, solve for x, sub this x in x'' and then if >0 is min n what not. i remember a question that said "give reasoning" as to why you are doing stuff - why do we get x' = 0 and do the succeeding steps? what does x' give us and what not like i know x' is gradient for a curve...
  16. crammy90


    when we are dividing 6 by root6 i dont understand how we can just multiply both num/denominator by root6 dont we normally change the sign when rationalising a surd...
  17. crammy90


    when ozone is depleted, it it exothermic? and what effect does CFC's or ozone depletion or whatever have on global warming? i cant find this anywhere but im thinking it has something to do with a reaction being exothermic? or that as there is less ozone the UV comes and heats up earth more and...
  18. crammy90


    when exactly do we use this "special limits" lim/(x-->infinity) 1/x = 0 e.g. (x^2 + 2x - 3)/(3x^2 - x + 2) i just learnt it and basically ive realised that you just get the largest number with x in it in the denominator (i.e. 3x^2) and divide everything by this. This leaves one number in the...
  19. crammy90

    purify and sanitise

    when is asks about purify, should we include also chlorination even though its used for sanitising? cuz it doesnt actualyy durify the water nor does ph adjusting or fluorination? do we disregard these. or should we just put em in anyways much appreciated a bit confused
  20. crammy90

    2/3 unit 1998

    i have problems with (At the top) c ii) i get down to theta = 2 then the answers say some shit like "oh but this is out side of the range 0-pi/2 so now we just sub in pi/2 to get the max area :S can some1 explain 9b) the answers state, in relation to just doing the cos..-sin.. and then...