- both produced using nuclear fussion (involving neutron bombardmant) and in particle accellerators
whats the difference between a transuranic element (>92) and a radioactive isotope. is it just the the later can include elements <=92 aswell as the transuranic elements (which i have assumed to...
glancing over prelim notes i came accross this i had written:
"- Di-pole Di-pole: (think di-(two) different ends). Occurs due to an uneven distribution of charge in a molecule due to electronegativity. E.g. Water. The O is more electronegative (ability to attact e-) than H+ and so when forming...
2004 HSC question 6 b ii
it says "suppose that it is given that AY bisects angle BAC.
in the answers they have assumed this bisection is into two equal parts
is bisection in maths assumed to be into two equal parts?
and question 5 b iv no idea lol
Sacrificial anode: a more active metal is connected to the metallic hull to form an electrochemical cell for which it is the anode and oxidises. Its loss of electrons are gained by the cathodic steel hull to reduce the hull. As corrosion of a hull is when the metal hull is the anode, no...
with the results of a query like if fields were:
1) Initial (integer) and
2) Final (integer)
and you wanted to do the calculation initial - final
do u have to create a new field to store the results i.e. "difference" of the query or are the results just displayed on screen?
with interpretation a disadvantage is that it is inefficient in that each time a loop is to be executed by the program it must be compiled each time
so as incremental compilation compiles some and interprets other parts, does this mean that inc comp will keep this loop compiled when used again...
i am doing my major and i have a problem
i need help with vertical scrollbars.
i need one to scroll my form because i NEED alot of data on one page but i dont want the form to be really long in height.
I have added a frame and got the scrollbar to scroll that frame so i have placed 3/4 of my...
does an analysis report provide a comprehensive description on just one of the solutions that were breifly described in the feasibility study, or does it comprehensively describe all of the possible solutions
Hey, I have been looking over my notes and am still struggling with some aspects of coding
in this algorithm it is finding the maximum value in an array through just a linear search
highindex = ARRAYLENGTH(element)
index = 1
maxval = element(index)
WHILE index <= highindex...