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    career advice

    lolz its not that bad, but yer if i had the marks or choice wud go to uts, usyd or unsw.
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    Combine law or masters degree?

    I see where PwarYuex is coming from, the macquarie law school is undergoing alot of infighting atm, and the overall quality is declining. I guess it depends what you want to, if you want to practice law as your main focus for your career then yer usyd and unsw are better, but if you are using...
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    Tekken vs Street Fighter

    street fighter II best fighting game i've ever played hands down!
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    ECON111 exam

    Hey guys, just had a quick question, for the econ111 exam i answered the two essay questions, as essays with a intro, body, conclusion, as the question specified an essay. However i did not use any diagrams, and answered the qns with economic theory. As there were 5 questions of which u could...
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    CP, P, CR, D, HD-- what are the cut-off marks

    Yep thats right, also 45-50 for a pass conceded
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    Seeking Some Advice

    thanks for that man. Yer everyone i've spoken to has reiterated the points you brought up especially about government sector work which is not what i wanna do. I'll just stick with accounting as im not to keen on working in the government sector.
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    Seeking Some Advice

    Hey guys, i was seeking some advice regarding my commerce major. I am currently majoring in accounting however after working in an accounting firm as a cadet i have realised that accounting is not for me. I intend to pursue a career in the legal field after i graduate however i would like to...
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    How helpful is PAL?

    thanks for the advice man. yer he seems alright i mean its hard to judge after one lecture. the assesment is a multiple choice test in week 4, funny since the tutorials dont start until week 4 for this subject. then we have an assignment due in week 9 worth 25% and then the final exam worth 60%.
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    How helpful is PAL?

    oh ok cool thanks man, atm im in prashans lecture. Btw did you find econ111 easier than econ110? and do you have any tips on how to do well in this subject? thanks again.
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    How helpful is PAL?

    hey guys just curious, for those who have been in the past how helpful is pal for subjects like ACCG101 and ECON111?
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    Average Length of Business Reports & Essays?

    Yer ur right it has to be decent, and thats expected if you have good content it needs to be fleshed out well enough to obtain a good mark. but yer what ur writing in terms of quantity seems to be about right.
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    Average Length of Business Reports & Essays?

    To be honest with you, what you said in your last sentence is exactly that, quality over quantity. I got a band 6 for business last yr and from memory did a booklet for each essay and report, my writing was small, however i had good content. if you want examples i could send some over for you.
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    The Tutorial Swap Thread

    If anyones interested in swapping tutorial times with others over the next 2 weeks please feel free to post here. Personally, i would like to change my MKTG101 time from 11-12 on a thursday morning to 3pm-4pm on a thursday afternoon as it would fit in much better with my timetable, and as i...
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    congrats on the cadetship offers namu, come to club mac, i work in the city aswell and travel to...

    congrats on the cadetship offers namu, come to club mac, i work in the city aswell and travel to macquarie for my com/law degree with a cadetship, once your in a rhythm the travel is not as bad as people make it out to be. anyways good luck with your decison.
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    Accounting Cadetships 2009

    nice work congrats, im at the city. Tips well probably best to have read ur application form inside out and know what you have written, along with your resume. Dont be to stressed in the interview, best advice is to be yourself and you'll be fine.
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    Accounting Cadetships 2009

    Yeah agreed ultimately comes down to how you feel about the university, i personally chose macquarie over both uts and unsw as i wanted to also study law and enjoyed the macquarie campus more so then the others. But yer if anyone has any questions on macquarie's commerce course and how it...
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    Results Discusssion

    Re: Results Discusssion - Results so far and predictions [/B] I hate that aswell, not long now though, goodluck to everyone
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    Results Discusssion

    Re: Results Discusssion - Results so far and predictions ECON110: Credit (hoping though the final exam was crap) ACCG100: Distinction Law 114: Credit Law 115: Distinction
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    Quick Question

    thanks for that champ. im mainly interested in ECON110: Macroeconomic Principles, and Law 114 Jurisprudence.
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    Quick Question

    Hey guys, This is probably a stupid question but i was curious to know if a subject requires passing the final examination to pass the unit, does this mean that our raw mark for that exam for example has to be above 50/100? or is there considerable scaling in which we can actually score below...