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  1. MiKeY

    official meet up day- thursday unibar

    My friend from high school does that degree. Oh.. actually.. no.. wait. She does Communication and Media Studies/Journalism, or something. lol :rolleyes: Her name is Renae.
  2. MiKeY

    2morrows meet up

    *cough*nerds*cough* :p I went to the science area duck pond thingy area with my bf when I couldn't find any of you. Well.. I found sxc dragon boy, who found gmraso, but that's about it. lol :rolleyes: Edit: I used too many 'areas', didn't I?:rolleyes:
  3. MiKeY

    2morrows meet up

    Yeh. Where was everyone? I was walkin' around looking for everyone for ages. Saw sxc dragon boy.. who also couldn't find anyone. *shrug*
  4. MiKeY

    2morrows meet up

    Yerp. I'll be there. :) If I can find everyone. :rolleyes:
  5. MiKeY

    confirming a thursday lunch meetup

    lol.. ah.. no :p a) I don't have one b) Even if I did I wouldn't wear it to uni.. or..anywhere for that matter and c) ah... no. :p
  6. MiKeY

    confirming a thursday lunch meetup

    I'll be there. :)
  7. MiKeY

    Textbook Request/Buying/Swapping

    Cells, Genetics and Evolution I have the text book for this subject for sale. Biology - 2nd edition. It's never been used. I bought it for the subject "Cells, Genetics and Evolution", but I transferred to UOW and now I don't need the book. Does anyone still need to buy the book? I've...
  8. MiKeY

    ok so who have you seen met from the forums???

    Not all of us are 18, ya know. :p
  9. MiKeY

    ok so who have you seen met from the forums???

    I'm free Thursday lunch. :rolleyes:
  10. MiKeY

    ok so who have you seen met from the forums???

    Well.. I guess I'm a newy in this board. I was going to UTS until Wednesday. I have no idea who anyone of you are... exept for gmraso. :rolleyes:
  11. MiKeY

    Transferring to Wollongong

    That's what I thought. I was wrong. :rolleyes:
  12. MiKeY

    Transferring to Wollongong

    Hey. I was doing Forensic Biology at UTS last week - and I'm now doing Medical Science at UOW. I also realised UTS sucks. :p well.. compared to UOW. All Sydney uni's suck compared to UOW. ;) All I did was email the Dean of my Faculty, basically stating my case - he replied with an email...
  13. MiKeY

    Cells, Genetics and Evolution

    Thank you. :)
  14. MiKeY

    problems with my UTS timetable! wat do i do??

    Yes. I have 2 lectures for Chemistry 1C.
  15. MiKeY

    Cells, Genetics and Evolution

    Is anyone doing this subject? If so.. do we need to buy disecting kits? Or is that only for 'Environmental' students? I don't know if we need one or not.
  16. MiKeY

    problems with my UTS timetable! wat do i do??

    You don't need to be enrolled for lectures. You just turn up to them. If there's more than 1 lecture on per week for a subject you need to find out if the 2nd one is a repeat of the first one, or if you have to attend both of them. (You'll probably get told this during your first lecture.)...
  17. MiKeY

    St Leonards Science Welcome

    Did I miss much by not going to it? I went to the city one but couldn't be bothered going to the St Leonards one coz I assume it'd be as boring as the city one. I'm pretty sure it won't be too hard to find my Lab room up there. Anyways, did I miss much?
  18. MiKeY

    What did people think of O-day ?

    Haha.. yeh.. I felt like that a bit too at some of the stalls. I was also the only non-asian person in the computer room that I went into (in Building 10). And no, I'm not being racist.. My best friend is asian. T'was just an observation. :)
  19. MiKeY

    What did people think of O-day ?

    It was OK. I was expecting more 'stuff'. I only got 1 condom. :( lol I joined the Outdoor Adventure Club, Skiing Club, Forensic and Chemical Society and the Caving Club. I couldn't find a Squash stand! :chainsaw: Can't wait to go canyoning, abseiling and caving. :D
  20. MiKeY

    Who's going tomorrow?

    Yep.. I'm going tomorrow. *cough*FREEBIES*cough*... :D I'll be the guy wandering around aimlessly on his lonesome.. :p Damn me not knowing anyone from UTS. :rolleyes: I think I'm gonna sign up to the Outdoor Adventure Club and the Squash club. Caving looks fun too. Ooo.. and I've...