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  1. MiKeY

    Who's going tomorrow?

    Umm.. and where exactly did you read that? :confused:
  2. MiKeY

    Who's going tomorrow?

    Is anyone going tomorrow to all the welcomes etc? I don't know whether to waste my time going or not. That and I know no-one going to UTS. :p
  3. MiKeY

    Adventures in Reality [ Its Just a Party ]

    LoL.. righto .. we can discuss the weather together. *looks up the weather forecast and all the weird terminology to sound smart :D* :p
  4. MiKeY

    Adventures in Reality [ Its Just a Party ]

    LoL.. I'm tossing up going alone or with my boyfriend. If I go with my bf I won't be meeting new 'friends' I'd imagine.. if I go alone I'll feel too nervous to meet anyone new. (I'm a shy one :p) :eek: We can meet new people together!! :cool: What to dooooo.. what to do...:rolleyes: lol
  5. MiKeY

    Adventures in Reality [ Its Just a Party ]

    I doubt many people would be going alone... so it'd be a bit hard for someone who is alone to 'mingle in' with other UTS students. :rolleyes:
  6. MiKeY

    Adventures in Reality [ Its Just a Party ]

    Can any age attend? Or is it only 18+? :confused:
  7. MiKeY

    how to access UTSonline?

    It works for me now. :)
  8. MiKeY

    has everyone got their timetable yet?

    What you said. I can use everything exept UTSOnline, and the 'Exams/Study Plan' website. :confused:
  9. MiKeY

    has everyone got their timetable yet?

    Really? Does that work for you? When I try login to that, I get an error. The only thing I can access is the UTS Webmail. :rolleyes:
  10. MiKeY

    has everyone got their timetable yet?

    Well.. I tried activating my account today.. and it worked. :p So I assume you should all be able to activate yours aswell.
  11. MiKeY

    has everyone got their timetable yet?

    Same thing was happening to me.. so I called the IT support place. He said that it takes 3-5 days from enrollment for the system to process our details. He told me to try again on Thursday morning when I told him I enrolled today. I won't be able to tho. I leave for NZ on Tuesday. :)
  12. MiKeY

    has everyone got their timetable yet?

    Yeh I got my timetable. They gave me a sheet with all my classes and stuff already chosen for me - I had no say in what times I wanted for each subject. Oh, I'm doing Forensic Biology. I still don't know anyone else doing it. :rolleyes:
  13. MiKeY

    UTS 2004 - The course YOU are studying!

    Forensic Biology B Biomedical Science in Forensic Biology My UAI: 94.45 UAI Cutoff: 91.50
  14. MiKeY

    UAC Letter - Codes

    :rolleyes: OK Well it looks like none of you understood the point of my post. lol Why didn't I get a B for my second preference (which had a UAI of 99+, with my UAI being 94)? My friend got his first preference, yet he still had a B for his second preference? And then a H for his third...
  15. MiKeY

    UAC Letter - Codes

    Hey guys. On my UAC letter I got an O for my first preference, and all the rest of my preferences had a H. My friend however, got an O for his first pref, and then got B for a few of his other preferences. Does the B mean you didn't get a high enough UAI for the course? And, does the H...
  16. MiKeY

    UTS Packs

    Oh. Duh. I'm such a knob. Cheers. :p 3? Gawd. What did they all say?
  17. MiKeY

    UTS Packs

    Where did you find that?
  18. MiKeY

    UTS Packs

    Did anyone else not receive anything from UTS today? I got the letter from UAC saying I got an offer from UTS, but I got nothing from UTS. :confused: Will they still send it out? Or don't then send anything? How confuzzling.
  19. MiKeY

    What preference did you get????

    Forensic Biology I got into my First Preference. Bachelor of Biomedical Science in Forensic Biology at UTS. UAI Needed: 91.50 (and they said it was gonna sky rocket - pfft) My UAI: 94.45 I'm happy but also sad. :P Happy coz I got into my first pref, but sad coz all my friends got into...
  20. MiKeY

    2004 Cutoffs released

    I agree. I am rather shocked as well. :p