What is the answer to Question 17 b)?
Those stupid little diagrams seem so easy but I can *never* get them. How can you tell/remember which boundary type causes those faults? :confused:
Do we have to *know* and be able to write the algorithms for all the "standard algorithms"?
i.e. Binary/Linear Search, Bubble/Insertion/Selection Sort?
Or do we just have to know how they work and stuff?
Anyone? :(
My half yearly exam is tomorrow... and all I can say is thank god for the excel book.. lol
I have Wilson, Davis, Heinmen and the excel, and I prefer the excel for most things... :)
Exactly the same as Huy! :)
Area of Study:
Changing Perspectives - Immigrant Chronicle(Peter Skrzynecki)
Module A:
In The Wild - Brave New World/Blade Runner
Module B:
Critical Study - King Lear
Module C:
Telling The Truth - Frontline
Term 4, 2002: Area of Study
Term 1, 2003...
hehehe.. you would have 'died of death'... well.. yes, most people usually do die of death.. lol.. ;)
And yeh.. it was a crappy question.. I just wrote about how different interpretations, focus on different aspects of the play, which in turn acts as relief for the horrific aspects in the...
I had my English Paper 2 exam today, on King Lear.
I just want people's opinion on the question we got.
'The world of King Lear is one still pervaded by outrageous and preposterous extremeties, but it is not without redeeming elements that may rescue us from despair.
In your...
University of Wollongong
Definately goin' to chose Wollongong as first preference.
Bachelor of Marine Science
Combined Law/Science degree.. I dunno. :/
But most probably Marine Science... hopefully Bachelor of Marine Science Advanced (if i get 90+UAI.. :P)
Oh. Awesome!
That's extremely relieving. lol
What about the UAI. That has nothing to do with how 'my school' goes, does it, only how the state goes, right?
Thanks heaps btw, for answering my question(s) :)
So basically, because I'm coming first in everything bar English at this point in time (I'm coming 2nd in that) I won't be affected by the 'LOW' marks which the others will get?
I go to a relatively small school and I just have a question regarding all this rank and scaling business.
My SDD class has 2 people in it, EES class has 3 people in it, English had 6, Maths has 8, and IPT has like 12.
I was just wondering what happens regarding ranking and HSC...
Can I ask it too?
I was just wondering what sorta UAI I could get with my subjects..
English Advanced
Information Processes and Technology
Software Design and Development
Earth and Environmental Science
Cosmology Distinction Course
(And Portuguese Continuers in 2002 -...
Lol.. well there is only 1 asian guy in my class. So maybe you saw him and thought we were all asians. :rolleyes:
The rest were 3 chicks and me - all caucasian.
Well... I go to a very small public school.. who's Dux in 2002 got ~90UAI... so yeh..
These are my assessment results so far:
English Advanced - 85% - 2nd/6
Mathematics - 98% - 1st/8
SDD - 91% and 83% (2 assessment tasks) - 1st/2
IPT - 94% - 1st/~12
Have EES and IPT Major...
Re: Re: Re: ETA study day @ Usyd
Heh! So you didn't see 5 people crawl into the theatre from the top door then?... Like the back half of the room basically just all turned and stared up at us! :o
lol.. was funny tho! :)
What was even funnier was that we hadn't done any of the poems that...