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    \int \frac{1}{x \sqrt{x-1}} dx Using non-trig subsitutions.
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    How to graph: y = (x+1)^4/(x^4+1)
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    Induction Help

    (1+x)^n>= 1+nx, x>0
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    Complex Help

    If \frac{z-1+i}{z+1-i} = ki, where k is real Find with aid of a diagram the value of |z|
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    No. Of Periods

    How many periods do you get a week? In terms of units how much is that? Ive got 4 units every 2 wks, same number of periods as a 1 unit subject :( Also, where is everyone up to? Were only started graphing, and has only done complex :(
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    Supplements You Take...

    Anyone here take supplements such as Berocca performance? What do you think about these pills. Do they really work? Also, anyone take anything for concentration and increased mental functioning?
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    Trig Integration

    Find the derivative of f(x) = cos x + x sin x. Hence evaluate the definite integral \int_{0}^{\frac{\pi}{2}} x cos x dx
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    Trig Proof

    Please help with this trignometric Proof: \frac{1+cosec^2A tan^2C}{1+cosec^2B tan^2 C} = \frac{1+cot^2A sin^2 C}{1 + cot^2B sin ^2 C}
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    Prove using induction -4 + 8 - 16 + ... + -4(-2)^ {n-1} = \frac{4((-2)^{n} - 1)}{3} The original document said 4(-2)^(n-1). And that works perfectly for induction. However, a = -4, and thus Tn = -4(-2)^(n-1). Please help. EDIT: Fatal Error: 4((-2)^(n) - 1)/3 = RHS
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    Polynomial - Newton's Method

    Using Newton's Method, under what conditions will a better estimate NOT be reached?
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    Imaginay Nos

    Question on Complex Nos. (x+iy)^{1/3} = X + iY Show that 4(X^2-Y^2) = \frac{x}{X} + \frac{y}{Y}
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    Taking Absolute Cases 2

    This i have a problem with. I was taught to multiply by (x+y)^2 when the x is in the denominator. So for this question of absolutes \frac{2}{|x+5|} < 1 The solutions for this, did not require multiplying denomnator by (x+5)^2, but rather took 2 cases. I was wondering what the rules for...
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    Taking Absolute Cases

    When taking absolute cases, when do you know when the inequality is greater/= or just greater I.e. y=|x+1| - |x-3| |x+1| = x+1 when x>= -1 etc... and why not x>-1
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    I guess this is sort of 3 unit stuff. Two questiions Given that f(x) is odd and has an inverse which is also a functio, show that f^-1(x) is also odd. Second Given any function f(x), define g(x) = 1/2 (f(x) + f(-x)) and h(x) = 1/2(f(x)-f(-x))
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    Values for Frankenstein vs Bladerunner

    Now it is generally understood that each context of the texts, was dominated by science (frankenstein) and commerce (br). Could we say that these were the values of each context at their time?
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    Quintic Roots

    Quartic Roots Forth degree equations are almost unsolvable for me. Please help! Solve the equation 6x^4-11x^3-26x^2+22x+24=0 given that the product of two fo the roots is equal to the product of the other two.
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    Polynomial Roots

    If a and b are roots of the equantion x^2 + mx + n = 0, find the roots of nx^2 + (2n-m^2)x + n = 0 Let roots of equn nx^2 + (2n-m^2)x + n = 0 be z, y i know that zy = 1 and z+y = (2n-m^2)/n but what i cant figure out is how to get a and b from z+y
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    Polynomial Proof

    a)Suppose that the origin is the point of inflexion of f(x) = ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d We know that since its a odd function, passing through center with origin being pt of inflexion then, b=d=0 Prove that if l is a line through the origin crossing the curve again at A and B, then O is the...
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    Double EyeLid

    It seems that i have a double eye lid in only my right eye. Is this just a precursor to my left eye developing one? Or am i stuck with one?
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    Exponential Decay

    A heated body is cooling and the excess of its temperature, x, above that of its surroudnings is x=Ae^(-kt) where t is time in minutes a)At time t=0, x = 80 find A b)If the temperature of the surroudnings is 20, and the body cools to 70 in 10min, find i) Temperature after 20min ii) Time...