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  1. L


    When you applied for your first job, what did you do for references? Did you put teachers, family friends? Or were you cunning enough to make the references up? Any help would be terrific.
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    Meeting New People

    Has anyone noticed a trend in conversations with people that are unfamiliar with you? It ususally goes: 1.Intro 2.School 3.People You know that are common Does any1 else notice this trend or am i just socially boring?
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    Call back...

    Ive recently applied to subway and its been a week and they havent called back. From everyone's experience, is this usual? What does it mean? Did they not want me?
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    How to lose Tan

    Lately, ive been out often and have acquired a tan. Well, i have always gotten a tan, in a way that up side of my arms are darker then the down side. So how do i lose the colour?
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    SC Math Help?

    What do they mean when they say draw a reflection in line xy Such as the 2003 math sc, section 1, question 21. Just like the one below
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    Employment in Hurstivile Area

    Are there any jobs avaliable in hurstivile/kogarah/rockdale/ anywhere near those places. It can be causal or part time, and wherever. And please excuses me if i sound retarded but how do you actually get a job? Do you just go to the place where you want it and ask for the manager and hand in...
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    Are Obama Supporters Racists&Discriminatory??

    Recently I've read a news report which I lost the link which quoted that almost 100% of all African Americans voted for Obama. This begs the question whether they were biased and voted for Obama due to his colour. If they were, then wouldnt they be racists?? As that they were being...
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    Blocking Sites

    Is there a way to block certain sites whilst allowing other sites to be viewed? Is there a certain program or something?? thxs
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    Math Ratio

    In one of the papers 2007 i think theres this question Given a:b = 2:3 and b:c = 4:5 what is a:c a 1:2 b 2:5 c 3:5 d 8:15 the answer is d but how?? isnt is 18:25...
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    Before assignemts does ur school allow teachers to look at ur drafts and give feedback? for any subjects?? Edit:... SOry its BEFORE THE ASSESSMENT is actually taking place
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    Math Help

    Hey guys. I just wanted some clarification in a math Question in the SC paper 78.Raelene earns $600 per week. Naomi earns $1100 per fortnight. Danny earns more than Naomi but less than Raelene. How much could Danny earn each month? Indicated whetere each of the following is Correct or...
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    Sydney Tech

    Any1 here going to sydney tech, or is at sydney tech? Im wondering how good is the environment there? in terms of teachers, students etc for yr 11 in 09. Im considering going there so any advice would be gladly appreciated.
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    Past Papers...

    I was looking through past papers on Board of studies right. There were heaps of missing stuff, they were awaiting "copyright." Im wondering is there anywhere to get the full paper??
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    Uni Interview

    I was wondering, what kinds of questions does the interview actually consists of? Any past interviwed or Med students like to fill my curiosity??
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    Doing all Three Science?

    I thought about doing all three sciences; bio, chem and physic, but most seniors i talked to said that is too much work and is too hard since im doing ext1 math and ext1 english. What are your opinions on this?
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    Sample Answers for Past SC

    I was looking through the BoS website the other day for some past SC papers and answers, but I've only found answers for the multiple choice sections. Just wondering if any sample answers for short-answered and essay types exist? Anyone know?