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  1. F

    keeping the faith

    you freind doesnt happen to go to sylvania high does he? cause 4 people in our school was in a car crash at tom ugly's bridge and one guy had to be air lifted to hospital...there goes thier HSC :(
  2. F

    living on campus, whats it like?

    ah i see...when you say its "being changed to business and begin downsized" does it mean if i do a business degree i can have a commence degree as well? cause i need a commence degree for my job
  3. F

    Graphic Calculators HELP thread

    you got red? my casio just got green orange and blue...
  4. F

    Ignored :(

    um maybe he is scared of you? i know a girl in my class that is one and a half head taller then me, god i have nightmares of her choking me to death. man if i went out with her ( not that i will ) i wouldnt want to tell her i am breaking up with her.
  5. F

    55 Minutes Late

    bullcrap 100 words per min? yeaaa RIGHT!!!
  6. F

    Graphic Calculators HELP thread

    um i think its a bit too late since the exaime is past but what you do is open to manu of your calculator press [2] to get into stats section there you will see 4 lists. type the scores you see on your test into list 1 type the frequency into list 2 now press [F2] to calculate...
  7. F

    living on campus, whats it like?

    cool, thx for that, but i cant live in town cause i am only on my L's so i cant drive by myself :( by the way is anyone doing business/commence degree at UNE?
  8. F

    Petition For Crime Question

    Y.Z Sylvania High
  9. F

    UAC application help

    hey, sorry dunno where to put this thread, but i got a letter then UAC to confirm my choices and under alternative entry scheme i had NESRA. now what does that stand for?
  10. F

    living on campus, whats it like?

    can you give me a link? cause i cant seen to find it, i never did a search on the une website but still nothing
  11. F

    few trick questions in this exam :D not general style :D

    ? did u have to find the surface area of the two rectangles of the SIDES of the pool?? oh shit i done my wrong then. i just did the surface area of the bottom of the pool. then i find the walls of the pool 2NRH. and i got 67m square dunno if i am right or not
  12. F

    Im screwed, my calculator calculates wrong.

    yea i hate when your caluclator setting goes off, lucky my programmed my setting on my calculator so it never goes off. for that question i got something like 1.69 for standard diveation, i hope its right
  13. F

    living on campus, whats it like?

    i hear that! i am gona get my accomdations sorted out after math test tomor, thx for everything
  14. F

    living on campus, whats it like?

    yea well i couldnt really send in an application for rooms cause i dont know if they will accept me or not, so yea they should make the closing date a little later like after christmas :(
  15. F

    Access to justice

    i pit tribunials, legal aid, courts dunno if i am right :(
  16. F

    Section II - Crime

    wow it sounds like you the only one in the state that did real good in that section...hats off to you
  17. F

    2 million Japanese WMD still in China

    you are so going to burn in hell for that comment...
  18. F

    pick up line

    yea and there is the fear of getting rejected and the girl laughing at u :D just slip them a note with nice things on it, that way if u get rejected you dont have to face them lol
  19. F

    female orgasms

    lol its what happens when people wank too much :D
  20. F

    has any one got solutions for HSC BOS past papers

    yep i do, my teacher handed us a copy of soultions for each question from 01-04. its great, i would put it on if i had a scanner but i dont :( maybe i can jsut post up the multiple choice answers cause it doesnt take too long