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  1. F

    Graphic Calculators HELP thread

    its just a caluclator that tells you the answers to your exaime :D, it solves equations, draws graphs, and finds the standard diviation, means, quantile range and all the other crap that would normally take a long time.
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    Graphic Calculators HELP thread

    I thought i might start a thread for graphic calculators if anyone needs help on any of the functions. our class been using it since year 11 so i think i got all the features figured out...
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    Consumers Essay

    i didnt talk anything about caveat emptor, my essay is structured like Intro: para1: legislations that protect consumers, fair trading, trade pratice, sale of goods para2: how common law protect consumer, donoghueVstevenson, thortonVshoelane parking, Commercial bank of australia. para3...
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    question 13 of multiple choice

    so C, the key word in A is ONLY...which is false
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    Section II - Crime

    that your cousin and freind sucks at legal study?
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    living on campus, whats it like?

    hey thx for all the info guys, although i am still freaked out by the shower rooms lol i am gona write an e-mail to UNE and ask them to send me some pics and cost for albie
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    my essay.....whad'ya think?

    i hated the family essay though, it just said evaluate, and not evalute the effectiveness no you had to come up with your own criteria for both Family and Consumer...
  8. F

    General Thoughts: Legal Studies 2005

    yea that crime wasnt fair, but i manged to bullshit 8 pages for crime. the consumers i found was alright and got on to my sec booklet, although i dont think i fully answered the question the family part B. so yea i though it was a 7/10 difficulty test
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    General Thoughts: Legal Studies 2005

    i finished just on time, but half of our class left before the exaime is finished... god our average is gona get pulled down by those people... fucking hate them so much....
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    living on campus, whats it like?

    group shower...umm..i guess it wont be too bad if girls share the same showers as guys :D ok cool guys thx for all the Info. ps. do you guys ever get towel snapped when you are in the shower by your mates?
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    Section II - Crime

    i am so THERE! so when we gona do it
  12. F

    how much did you write

    8 crime 10 consumer 8 fam
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    living on campus, whats it like?

    i just want to go to uni so my parents can shut up about it. but yea, i luv cold weather kilometre hill? i am never walking that.... small town living yes... people crapper while i brush hell no....
  14. F

    my essay.....whad'ya think?

    um where to begin, i dont think you will see this comment before the test since its 11:23 now. but just some general points the question says evaluate, which means you have to give critiera. e.g enforcebility, accessibility. if you dont then you are not answering the questions :( and...
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    living on campus, whats it like?

    um ok cool thx, a few more question 1) Is there any apartments/houses/units that i can rent near UNE?? 2) do the residential colleges have Cable TV? thx
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    How many pages did you write?

    sniff...thx alot, oh well i wont be having a good christmas now
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    Module B: Critical Study of Texts (Merged)

    i wasnt worring too much about the text type, but about the 3 poems we had to do... WTF since when do they make you write three poems
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    3 Poems!!!

    that 3 poems fucked up my history and memory, cause i had to think about the 3rd one for a few mintues, and then i had to write it all up :( which only let me 15 mintues to do my 3rd essay so screwed.. i be a hobo on the streets when christmas comes....
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    How many pages did you write?

    Emma/Clueless 11 (50 mins) Gwenie 11 (45-50? i had no time to check at this point... :( ) History and memory 4!! ( like 10 or 15 :( )
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    living on campus, whats it like?

    um, which campus have 5 star rating? lol, but i will probally take the most expensive one, no way iam spending 3 years of my life in a prision cell.