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  1. Ellie-Bee

    the song name game

    The Ataris - Radio #2 (sry doesn't leave much room for song titles!)
  2. Ellie-Bee

    gap year interview

    Mine was pretty casual - one of the interviewers was the director of the whole thing (scary!!!!) but they were all really nice and when I told them I was a bit nervous they said it was fine and we really just had a chat with a few formal questions. Really not that scary or formal!!
  3. Ellie-Bee

    Tutorial Registration - Spring 06

    Hey guys, Does anyone know when this opens up?? Or when the dates come out for them opening?? Hehe. Thanks. :)
  4. Ellie-Bee

    Final Exam Timetable

    No show of exam timetable yet?????
  5. Ellie-Bee

    the shallow hot musician picture thread

    End of Fashion: The Killers (ohhhh yeah, loving Brandon's jakcet!!): Jeff (nothing else needs to be said...): Rufus Wainwright:
  6. Ellie-Bee

    As I Lay Dying + Bleeding Through tour

    I'm going to Manning
  7. Ellie-Bee

    great escape festival

    I went to the Blues and Roots festival in Byron over the easter weekend and saw basically the same bands as Great Escape. SIGUR ROS WERE FANTASTIC! Their songs made me get all tear-y! I loved them already but seeing them live boosted them into my top 5 bands. I also saw - Michael Franti (2...
  8. Ellie-Bee

    'Car surfing' This happened in my hometown recently (I now live in Sydney.) Sucks hardcore. I know all the people involved, including the guy who died. Hopefully this raises awareness about the risks...
  9. Ellie-Bee

    What are you currently Reading?

    I reading a book called 'Sister Freaks' about women/girls who have died or had their lives threatened because of their unmovable faith in Jesus Christ and Christianity. Its really interesting and pretty moving.
  10. Ellie-Bee

    Your personal library

    I don't own heaps personally but my parents own MASSES of books. I just grab some when I go home!
  11. Ellie-Bee

    what would a gurl want in a guy

    Personality, sense of humour, good taste in music.
  12. Ellie-Bee

    Favourite band(s)

    Very cool. :)
  13. Ellie-Bee

    Favourite band(s)

    I think I've done this before but I've got a bigger list now!! JBT Crowded House End of Fashion Athlete Coldplay Death Cab for Cutie The Killers Opeth Postal Service AFI Bloc Party Ben Folds Ben Harper ....heaps more I can't think of....
  14. Ellie-Bee

    Tristan and Isolde

    I saw it today and was totally preparing myself for a tear-fest but was let down in that regard. Didn't really feel anything for the main characters (apart from the fact that James Franco is ultra hot) except for the brother guy, he was cool.
  15. Ellie-Bee

    Dylan Moran

    I really want to go. Might look into tickets now.
  16. Ellie-Bee


    Oh ok. Last year they screwed me round big time, I didn't get an invoice or anything in the mail and therefore didn't know when to pay or anything and got disenrolled. Since then you could probably say that I'm slightly paranoid about the system at UWS.
  17. Ellie-Bee


    Hey y'all! Whats the go with fees? When do they need to be paid and do we need to fill out another freaking census form?
  18. Ellie-Bee

    what movie have you cried over???

    I've cried in lots of movies - lame. For example: The Notebook (i hate this movie) Walk to Remember In Her Shoes Green Mile Shawshank Redemption Schindler's List Romeo & Juliet ...heaps more.
  19. Ellie-Bee

    Opeth fans?

    I might be going! Yay!
  20. Ellie-Bee

    Books: how much is it costing you?

    Its cost me $157 just for this semester and only for 2 books. Sigh.