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  1. reno2004

    NBA passion

    lol. u jinxed them. They lost. Next time dont announce their good run. :p
  2. reno2004

    A-League launched!

    Players only have careers for 20yrs at most, and thats if they start very young and reach the big time quickly (16-36). After that they fall from the top leagues and often retire quickly. Anyway, the point being that their career lasts half of what a non-sporting person's career lasts. So they...
  3. reno2004


    I'd go the Liberty GT over the Volvo s40 T5. Liberty's are mad cars. :uhhuh:
  4. reno2004

    How To Seduce Women

    Great Moments in Hook-up History.......Chappelle Show is so GREAT.
  5. reno2004


    Yeh i think they have already let ppl know about interviews for informatics, science and engineering cause i got one, and i know friends that got theirs also
  6. reno2004

    R&B Fans - Download 112's new song

    Kanye West's album hasnt really got much publicity in Australia and only slow jamz and all falls down have got any decent play time on the radio/tv. But for sure it is one of the best if not the best rap/rnb album of this year. Twista is pretty mad too. I dont know about what he rhymes cause...
  7. reno2004

    R&B Fans - Download 112's new song

    Check Out the lastest Jay-Z and R Kelly album - Unfinished Business. It is pretty good, not as good as 'The best of both worlds' but still good. Also check out Fabolous new album 'Real Talk'. I dont think they are out in Australia yet, but hey thats what the internet is for.
  8. reno2004


    What type of questions do they ask for schoalrships? Has anyone been through the process before.
  9. reno2004

    The F1 Thread

    Nah Wollongong GP sounds way better :p
  10. reno2004

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    $1.5million is pretty good considering the amount of income the clubs will be getting. Dont forget with the current format, the A-league is equivalent of about the old 2nd division in England (called 1st div now). And they dont pay their players very much. You cant expect a club to pay a player...
  11. reno2004

    The F1 Thread

    I would say that Willams 2ns spot will be taken be Pizzonia, Coulthard or Hiedfeld. Jordan will probably take Glock and Klein or Briscoe (apparently he is part of a engine supply deal with Toyota). Minardi is virtually impossible to guess, just depends who can bring the most money with them. I...
  12. reno2004


    Yeah I heard they scrapped the new Supra also, and apparently they are planning to scrap the Celica, cause i read somewhere that they are not exporting the Celica to America from 2006 onwards. I think most of the Jap car companys are over the whole performance sports car thing, because it costs...
  13. reno2004


    nah, i dont even need to go to uni yet to know that UOW is better than UWS. But i shall stop arguing now, its boring. By the way, who in UOW is doing computer science or computer engineering. Which is best? I have entry into both, but cant choose which one i want to do.
  14. reno2004

    The F1 Thread

    They are about $300, or that was what one of them was going for on Ebay. I think Kimi is gonna get 9 and JPM 10. JPM is the new driver so i doubt they will give him 9.
  15. reno2004

    The F1 Thread

    F1 lego, i never knew such merchandise existed. Too bad there is no mclaren ones as elmo said. Also typical that Ferrari put barrichello on the lower podium than micheal, even though there isnt very much difference in their faces. What I want are the 1/4 scale remote control Mclaren F1 cars...
  16. reno2004

    NBA passion

    yeh ESPN has the rights to the NBA with TNT and ABC i think. Unfortunately i checked and in the first week they are showing like only 2 games i think. Which sucks greatly. And with the digital or HD, umm i dont know. i guess u would need a HD/Digital TV to see that.
  17. reno2004

    cutoff will increase for commerce?

    Becuz UNSW has a lot of hot commerce chics. :D
  18. reno2004

    What are people at UOW like?

    Thats true. Uni is a place to make new friends, broaden your horizons, not to go and stick with ur group of ppl. Plus im sure the commonality of alcohol will enable you to make plenty of new friends :uhhuh:.
  19. reno2004

    How much download a month

    damn 70gigs, 40gigs. u guys download heaps. how many movies and games is that a month. I usually download about 6-8gig a month. Once HSC is ova, im sure that should increase to bout 15gig. Broadband is so good. :D
  20. reno2004

    Fifa 2005

    Pro Evo 4 is gonna be so muc better. Is it true that EA got their act together for this FIFA? Making it much better, and a closer second best to Pro Evo