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  1. disco_dave

    First in Course List

    explain?? im still lost, he got 50/50
  2. disco_dave


    geez its expensive. well compared to back home... is that a normal sydney gym price?? (glad i get a free year entry!!! :P )
  3. disco_dave

    Traffic Light Party

    i went, but really late (and after a few to many beers!). I had been at the Palace and we decided to go. didnt seem that great, not huge crowd incidently, someone said cheap drinks... how much was i paying??? i had lost all thought processes by that time :S
  4. disco_dave

    First in Course List

    How do you get first in Ex2english?? My mate got 50/50 in it and he didnt come first??whats the go there?? i cant see anyone beating his mark by much. :S
  5. disco_dave

    Comedy night O week

    he deserved it. Leason learnt, never heckle someone more powerful than you, have a mic and audience or is a damn lot funnier than you. learn from other peoples mistakes.... hehe
  6. disco_dave

    Highest UAI at your school?

    EDIT ABOVE: Extract from profile School: Cherrybrook Technology High School *shakes head in stupidity*
  7. disco_dave

    Highest UAI at your school?

    which school is that??? 100, pretty good eh (go public)
  8. disco_dave

    Comedy night O week

    will (the comedian) ripped the fella from the crowd apart... went through his wallet n made fun of his stuff in there. the guy had no come backs to anything will said
  9. disco_dave

    Comedy night O week

    that was awesome!! will ripped the cow junkie apart. . . poor fella, first night and he makes a total dick of himself. good nite but. I was in stitches when that MC did hes two short acts. wish he had the chat at the end with will, good bloke
  10. disco_dave

    the health of young people

    I dont have any info on young people, but I do think your teacher is right.... Although if you are that lost in sports med maybe it is best to do young people which may come easier to you. We had a chick in my class last year that did what you are doing, she was quite smart and up around the...
  11. disco_dave

    Highest UAI at your school?

    congrates success.... thats quite a nice score. anyone get a better one?? no, 100 perfect. damn thats crazy!!! congrates again :D (it was u that got it wasnt it??)
  12. disco_dave

    Highest UAI at your school?

    isnt that an oxymoron im hearing?? 'All girls non-selective'?? so i wanna go there (im a boy, and i dont really wanna) "oh no you dont meet the selection criteria, your not a girl!"... hehe. selection sprung. i think im soba
  13. disco_dave

    ipt jacaranda

    but if you can regurgitate hienmann with his "technical" writing style, the examiners will love it. I liked him. But i didnt get a chance to use Jacca books.
  14. disco_dave


    nice shot. nice wave. We had massive swells up here at Yamba yesterday. Alright waves aswel. think the whole state had the big ones.
  15. disco_dave


    yeah hay. But up here in Yamba there is like zero lidders and heaps of top quality surfers. odd how some areas pump out heaps of one thing.
  16. disco_dave

    ipt jacaranda

    dont think the good mark in IPT helps much. It has to be a fair way above you other marks to actually count for you UAI (not weighted very hard<< which i totally disagree with). So much textbook work and very little practical... although i didnt find the theory that hard. But not easy. Do...
  17. disco_dave

    ipt jacaranda

    i found heinmann fine (got 94 in the IPT HSC exam, with minimal teacher help!). I think he is a senior HSC marker or setter isnt he?? Followed the syllabus fine, although i didnt use a jacca so i cant down them. But in PDH jacca text book did seem to waffle alot (bit like me).
  18. disco_dave

    B Arts Subjects

    when do selections have to be done by?? I am so out of this uni loop where i live. Argh!!! :S
  19. disco_dave


    you must admit he is a pretty damn good bodyboarder though. pretty damn good port breads em good there. a few lil gromets are killing the junior titles
  20. disco_dave


    cheers mate. same goes for you i dont think they could go up, unless people with higher UAIs applied now. cause when people decline an offer, the next UAI down gets an offer. so i couldnt see how it would rise. but it could maybe everyone went to Queensland uni's this year. lower scores...