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  1. disco_dave


    i heard a while ago that uni applications had dropped by 9000 people this year (not sure if this was NSW only or Aus wide fact). i also remember at some of the open days that the fed govt. had increased HECs places this year due to increased demand (in some courses only). my course went from...
  2. disco_dave


    ok found it after a look.... here it is for anyone else lookings: 2005 First Round Cut Off's
  3. disco_dave

    I Just Got Main Round Offer

    ok found it after a look.... here it is for anyone else lookings: 2005 First Round Cut Off's
  4. disco_dave


    where did u find it?? i wanna know just how close i was. must have been the last person i reckon!! woo hoo
  5. disco_dave

    I Just Got Main Round Offer

    justr wondering where you see the first round cut offs at?? i got no idea how i got in my first. i wasnt even planning on it cause it was 4 UAI points above mine last year.... argh hahha. what the devil!
  6. disco_dave

    I Just Got Main Round Offer

    got mine tooo. this is awesome. i thought i had no chance and i got into arts UNSW, first preference. biggest grin on my face EVA Yipee
  7. disco_dave


    holy yes they have...... got into Arts UNSW and i only got 83!!! F me dead i have a big smile. this is an awesome feeling i thought i was GGOOONNNNEEE
  8. disco_dave

    Highest UAI at your school?

    wheres the list?? would be interested in having a quick sqizz at it
  9. disco_dave


    yes now im hearing something good. between port and byron are the best beaches (i live smack inbetween!). not so much the main ones but there is awesome back and hidden beaches everywhere!! :D do you guys know damian king from port??
  10. disco_dave

    Highest UAI at your school?

    oh didnt know we had other countries following the BOS method... interesting. PS i think u should drop Bio if any VQ!!
  11. disco_dave

    Highest UAI at your school?

    is sydney grammar a private selective school?? i have heard it does awesome each year but know so little about it... the famous laurie comes from there i do believe!! hmmm
  12. disco_dave

    Highest UAI at your school?

    what schools that bear?? impressive record there!!
  13. disco_dave

    Bos T-shirts!!!

    where was the bored T-shirts for sale at the Open Days yesterday??? i was huntng round for them everwhere and couldnt see them :( whats happened to the sales team?? one disappointed disco_dave
  14. disco_dave

    Highest UAI at your school?

    what school is that lala2??
  15. disco_dave

    Who is in to dance music ????????

    was wondering just the same thing myself.... :S anyone go anywhere good for New Years?? there were so many acts on in the citys but i couldnt make it.... NOOOO as for liking metal and dance. i can do that, but not death metal. just like RATM and punky metal. i love all music types in...
  16. disco_dave

    uai <30 =)

    my mate got sub 30 and he tried. poor lad, but he is a dumb ass. unless hes lying to sound cool
  17. disco_dave

    What was your biggest differerence in your HSC marks?

    that 11 in my maths books! i had a 4 mark difference in Economics. i think it was 84 exam 80 ass. Grr
  18. disco_dave

    Highest UAI at your school?

    96.xx from what i can find out. public non-selective rural, its actually quite low compared to normally years. and only 5 in the 90+ range whereas normally 10 are in
  19. disco_dave

    Lets Make a Complaint about the poor scaling of SDD..

    i think IPT copped it worse than SDD. stupid me picking to computer subjects that arent worth very much!! actually all my subjects were crap
  20. disco_dave

    1st in state

    hey getting the hell big talk up how many hits your website had laurie?? the one updated in 2002!!! hehe