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  1. F

    Semester 2 (2005) Textbooks...

    I don't know what actuaries do... I'll inform you all if (possibly when) I get an actuary job. =p Actuaries might get paid a tonne, but not acturies.
  2. F

    1st day of second semester

    ROFL !
  3. F

    Semester 2 (2005) Textbooks...

    These "ecom students doing acturial studies" will either: a) fail dismally at university; b) be unemployed because "I have Ecom degree in Acturial studies" will not go down well with an employers; or c) all of the above. And if they do get a job before I do, I'll join the Fraser bandwagon. ;)
  4. F

    1st day of second semester

    there wasnt much free stuff going around tho.
  5. F

    1st day of second semester

    The poor guy is just after some publicity. But I don't think he figured that the university would turn on him because of media pressures.
  6. F

    1st day of second semester

    not 'appy. not happy.
  7. F

    question on transfering degrees

    ohh, watch flyin' refer to himself in the third person. (at least, he didn't refer to him in the third person plural, then itd be just weird :p)
  8. F

    The 'GURGE!

    It was all good, until I realised I had MATH237 lectures [:(] or do I [:D].
  9. F

    question on transfering degrees

    flyin' has better things to do in his time. flyin' has always said, if you're going to spam or post nonsense [both just mean off topic posts], keep in one thread.
  10. F

    about ACST211 tut

    they group people by gpa. so if you get have good gpa, you go top class. you have bad gpa, you go to bottom class. apparently they do so, to motivate you guys. =p
  11. F

    Student Activity Fees...

    What do you expect? At least everyone here has no excuse.
  12. F

    question about elective unit

    elective means anything you want. check with your degree because it may specify overall requirements, eg. X no. of cp over Y level, and A no. of cp. over B level or streams.
  13. F

    Student Activity Fees...

    don't worry, apparently they let you pay when uni starts as well. remember all those long queues to ses at the start of sem ;) you could pay online like most efficient, lazy, non-queuing people do.
  14. F

    Semester 2 Units

    simple: sleep 5* hours earlier, and wake up 5* hours earlier * the number 5 can be replaced any reasonable number between 2 to 8 =p
  15. F

    Student Activity Fees...

    Many received invoices a while ago (before exam results). Find out about it, because if it's lost in the mail and you don't pay them (by 29th), you may find yourself elsewhere come semester 2.
  16. F

    timetables 2005

    2 MATH units = 5 days a week, 2 very long days. :( Time to find a table in the library and set up camp for the semester. :D
  17. F

    Semester 2 Units

    I'm sure you have more than enough talent to do something else more productive with your time. :) [Just to ruin the story, I would never ever tip a janitor $50 for a subway sandwich. Why? I prefer to exercise and take a leisurely stroll. And $50 tip would never happen. Unless it was on the...
  18. F

    Semester 2 Units

    I should just do what jezzmo is doing. Looks and sounds much more interesting than what I'll be doing. ACST305, ACST345, MATH236, MATH237
  19. F

    the "estimate your mark" game

    off by an average of 3.75 redruM, who won the jar of cookies?
  20. F

    Results soon!

    results are up, i screwed up.