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  1. P

    Penalty Rates

    Hi can someone please tell me what the penalty rates are over Easter... I work on the checkouts at Coles, and I'm working 5 hours easter saturday and 5 hours easter monday... Do i get any extra for either of them... THanks
  2. P

    help please

    Hi, I am really interested in a career in the property industry (development, management etc) and am tossing up between: Bachelor of Business (real estate) at UQ Bachelor of Urban Development (property economics) at QUT Does anyone have any advice on either of these, opinions etc would be...
  3. P

    Real estate help please

    Hi, I am really interested in a career in the property industry (development, management etc) and am tossing up between: Bachelor of Business (real estate) at UQ Bachelor of Urban Development (property economics) at QUT Does anyone have any advice on either of these, opinions etc would be...
  4. P

    Help with EE2 Major Work Please

    Hey, I'm writing a screenplay for my major work, and I'm starting to draft on the computer and experiment with ways I can express myself etc, and I've found that the format of my script needs to be times new roman, 12, double spacing...except the correct format of a script according to...
  5. P

    HELP with proposal

    Hey, how long should my proposal be.... Does the BOS actually set a word limit, or does each school decide... I read somewhere about 500 words, but atm, my proposal is way longer
  6. P

    Coles Pay Rate

    Hey, what is the current pay rate for a casual checkout service assistant at coles for a 17-year old. Thanks
  7. P

    HELP Coles Interview

    Hey there, I have an interview tomorrow with the store manager at my local coles and I'm not sure what to expect. Can anyone please help me? What am I required to bring with me? What questions do they normally ask? Any assistance would be great!!!
  8. P

    Subject Help Please!

    Hey, I'm an '08 student and these are my subjects atm: 4u English 2u Adv Maths Modern History Extension history Legal Studies. For all of the subjects except maths, I get mid-high 80s, and for maths I get roughly 70ish. Its my worse subject and I'm in a dilemma at the moment as to whether to...
  9. P

    Investment Banking

    I am interested in becoming an investment banker or possibly a financial planner after school, and have decided on doing a Bachelor Commerce/Law majoring in prob accounting or finance, and was wondering a few things. Would this qualificaiton be sufficient, or would I be expected to have honours...
  10. P

    Paramedic / Ambulance Careers

    Hey I'm interested in becoming a paramedic and am curious to know what I could expect (salary) as a starting-out paramedic and as a qualified paramedic when I reach that level... Does anyone know what the salary is like for paramedics because I can't find anything on it. Thanks
  11. P

    Major Work Help

    Hey, I'm thinking about doing my project on US conspiracies, except i want to narrow it down to the 1940s... I know about the Roswell incident, but does anyone else know about any other conspiracies that happened in or around the 1940s... Thanks... PS. Also, If anyone knows alot about...
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    Does anyone know of a United States conspiracy in the 1940s or there about? I know about the Roswell incident, but I need one or possible two more for an assignment. Thanks
  13. P


    I'm seriously considering dropping out of school and was wondering whether anyone knows about traineeships in the film/television/media/entertainment industry...Does anyone have any information about it, or any links to websites or companies that have a traineeship program. Any help would be...
  14. P

    Robyn kina

    Hey guys, Do you know anything about the Robyn Kina case (any websites would be greatly appreciated). This is for a friend, and in particular, I need to know about law reform that eventuated from the case. Thanks
  15. P

    Film Industry

    Hey guys, sorry my last posts didn't work for some reason... Just wondering, does anyone know about anything to do with the film industry working as either a cameraman or an editor...I'm really interested in becoming one of these and I have no idea how to get into it, what training is required...
  16. P

    Bonus UAI???

    Hey I'm in year 12 and I'm from Caringbah High and live in the Shire. I've heard people talking about getting bonus uai points because i go to Caringbah High School, and then even more bonus uai points because i live in the shire. Does anyone know if this is true? If so, how many points??? Thanks
  17. P


    Does anyone know a back door into physiotherapy. The UAI at every uni is probably out of my reach and I'm interested in it. Is there any sorta pathway course that I could study in order to become a physio. Btw, does anyone know the average salary for a physio THanks
  18. P

    URGENT - Harp in the South

    Does anyone know where you can find a summary/synopsis of 'The Harp in the South' from...I can't find one anywhere and I need one for tomorrow. Or if anyone has read it/studied it, could you please do me a massive favour and give me a brief synopsis or outline about the plot....Thanks heaps
  19. P

    Year 12 Subjects

    Does anyone know whether there are any 1 unit subjects that you can take up in year 12 without studying in year 11...i know about extension units...but is there anything else?
  20. P

    Study & Exams

    Hey does anyone know how i can fix this...i study alot for the exams that are coming up...i am confident of knowing everything according to the syllabus, i walk into the exam room, sit down, read the questions, and forget everything and wonder what on earth i have been studying...i then walk out...