Hey i was wondering whether anyone stays at Keiraview...is $180ish a week good value for money when staying there. I'm tossing up between Keiraview and Campus East. I have been on threads that explains everything about accommodation but there's nothing about Keiraview.
I am doing prelim at the moment and am trying to choose my subjects for the HSC at the end of this year...
My idea at the moment is
Advanced English
English Ext 1
English Ext 2
Advanced Maths
Maths Ext 1
Modern History
History Ext
Legal Studies
I'm hoping that anyone could give me some...
Hey i want to do commerce/law at uow. If anyone does that now, or anything combined with commerce, can you please tell me how many hours are involved a week at uni? Also, can i do a double major in the commerce degree even if it is a combined degree? Anything else (personal opinions) would be...
I'm interested in doing commerce at sydney or wollongong and am tossing up between the two. Can anyone who does commerce at sydney tell me roughly how many hours per week at uni is involved in commerce? Can i take a double major? Recommend any accommodation?
Thanks heaps
I am doing a survey on youth discimination. I am interested to see what people think about youth discrimination so if anyone could answer these questions that would be great. Thanks
1. Do you think the youth of today (<18) are discriminated?
2. If Yes, by whom and in what ways?
3. What is your...
I do biology at the moment in the preliminary HSC and i really can't do it anymore. Does anyone know whether i am allowed to swap it for lets say geography, seeing as its already halfway through year 11.