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  1. Wohzazz

    Please explain how to do this Q

    The asymptotoes of the hyperbola x*2/a*2-y*2/b*2=1 are inclined to each other at an angle @(alpha). Show that tan@=2ab/ I a*2-b*2 I NB. 'I I' is absolute value
  2. Wohzazz

    Trig question

    How can you convert NB. alpha=@ beta=# cos (@-#/2)sec(@+#/2) = (1+ tan@/2. tan #/2)/(1-tan@/2.tan#/2)
  3. Wohzazz

    Conics question

    P(asec@, btan@) lies on the hyperbola x*2/a*2-y*2/b*2=1. The tangent at P cuts the x-axis at X and y-axis at Y. Show that PX/PY=sin*2@. IS there any short cuts instead of manipulating super long equations that you have so much chance of getting wrong?
  4. Wohzazz

    Combining courses

    How many courses can you combine or is it only the ones listed (like law) say i wanted to do medicine and don't get in. I'll probably want to do medicine science or advanced science or mathematics at USYD and wait for entry through GAMSAT. Can i do both medical science and advanced science...
  5. Wohzazz

    4U progress

    Are schools suppose to only be around 60% done NOW with the 2nd topic considering there are 8 topics in the 4U course??? How are we going to finish?
  6. Wohzazz

    Interest test

    How can one be sure they are making the right decision for the uni courses they want? I cettainly can't. At the moment, my decisions are based on prestige and money and i'm considering the UMAT. I know i won't hate it, medicine will probably be fun. But i certainly don't have a passion for it...
  7. Wohzazz

    Little help with the Bib

    I have this research assignment and need to do a bibliography. I want to do it properly this time, since they fussy on the matter. So what the proper way? I have mainly websites and text books.
  8. Wohzazz

    Printing heaps

    How many people feel they're printing heaps this years. I've done like 70 pages worth of summaries so far, more is coming, and i still have past papers to print out. Do people print out past papers? One papers is like 20 pages or more for those science ones.
  9. Wohzazz

    What are these courses?

    B Laws B Arts/ B Laws B Commerce/B Laws B Science/B Laws What exactly is this 'B Laws' part of the course? Is it Laws as in legal system laws? Any difference in the 'B Laws of each course?
  10. Wohzazz

    Jacaranda questions

    1. A beam of UV light of frequency 7x10^15Hz is indirected towards a metal surface in a circuit. (there's suppose to be a diargram). If the maximum kinetic energy of emitted electrons is 9x10^-19J, calculate the a) the potential required to stop electrons reaching the collector. b)the work...
  11. Wohzazz

    Fear factor

    So what do you guys think? Would you do it? I got freaked out by the maggots. The bees level last weak was also pretty bad.
  12. Wohzazz

    Constant speed of light

    Ok i have trouble comprehending Einstein's experiment and decide to ask you guys for help:) "If i were travelling in a train at the speed of light and i held up a mirror, would i be able to see my reflection? If the aether model was right, light could go no faster than the train. I could...
  13. Wohzazz

    Slingshot effect and g force

    Can someone explain to me in simple terms the slingshot effect, like how it works, and why space probes exploit it. Also how do what is g force and how do you calculate it? I know its g force= g + a/ 9.8 do we always assign a as positive or does it depend on which directions it travelling...
  14. Wohzazz

    Module 3 questions

    Hehe:D, i dug up more question working through module 3 that i need answers to 1. Why does oxalic acid written as (H2C2O4.2H2O)? Why isn't hydrochloric acid written like that? 2. When are molecules draw bent in Lewis dot diagrams?(Example being O3) 3. Why does SO2 have a double covalent...
  15. Wohzazz

    Module 2 questions

    Well they aren't just module 2, some are from prelimanary that i should of known, please answers if you know any. These are from the past week 1. How does ions actually make electricity conduct? I need to know the atomic interaction between electron, proton etc. 2. Do people call heat...
  16. Wohzazz

    New Jacaranda!

    Does anyone have the new Jacaranda for HSC physics? Are there significant changes to the new one? I bought an old one (second hand) one from some 2003er. Tell me it doesn't change too much so that i won't have to get it. ATM, the old one is doing fine and i can find most of the stuff needed to...
  17. Wohzazz

    Logging off?

    Occasionally when i'm about to post something pressing the submit button, it says i need to log in this is on my home computer. i'm sure i'm logged in (because i've set automatic log in when i visit the BOS forums) how to fix? or is it a problem everyone experiences
  18. Wohzazz

    Need answers

    The question: Two parallel cuurent-carrying conductors are next to each other. The one on the right (first one) has current travelling up the page while the other has current travelling down. Determine whether the conductors attract or repel each other. Explain your reasoning. I know the...
  19. Wohzazz


    Was wondering if anyone who got a low to high band 6 (93-100) do tutoring for chemistry. So how many of our past student do get tutoring and how well did you go? If you think tutoring is useful, what types? private? small group? large group?
  20. Wohzazz

    Ezy concentration Q (Prelim)

    I got this q wrong earlier in the year and still don't know where i went wrong- think i'm blind 5.0g of sodium hydroxide was dissolved in 200mL of water. Excess aluminium nitrate solution was added to the sodium hydroxide solution to precipitate all the hydroxide as aluminium hydroxide edit/...