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  1. Wohzazz

    Study guides and cribs

    Does anyone know of any for AOS updated this year
  2. Wohzazz


    Just want to ask which university has the best campus in terms of area and facilities (bank, cafeteria, tennis court, basketball, gyms etc). Bias opinions will be appreciated.
  3. Wohzazz

    Graduate Medicine at Usyd

    How great is the competition? It is harder relatively harder than undergrad at Usyd. I was thinking since they accept only graduates at Usyd, doesn't that mean their intake is large meaning it would be somewhat similar to undergrad at UNSW. ...just exploring my options
  4. Wohzazz

    Piecing an essay together

    Emma and Clueless Anyone got a scaffold? Mine is Intro 1. Emma is presented as...... 2. Cher is presented as......because of context 3. Emma is written as a novel uses techniques..... 4. Clueless is a film because.......its uses techniques........ 5. Marriage in Emma...
  5. Wohzazz

    Things that MUST be remembered

    Does anyone have a document of stuff chemistry students must remember besides the theory? I know there is the reactivity series, the solubility rules, the identification of anions and cations.
  6. Wohzazz

    B Science (advanced/advanced mathematics)

    I done some reading in booklets, but i want see what other people know about it. How much different is it from a normal B science degree? Is it really hard, like do you have to be a pro from a young age to cope? Why is the intake so little? (i think i saw only 10 for B science (advanced...
  7. Wohzazz


    I was wondering if anyone knew what is the difference between the course at Usyd and UNSW. Which university has a better law? how about commerce? And how about Macq Uni? Its actuary/ law course? Is its law course any good?
  8. Wohzazz

    Prospects of gettin to UNSW med

    UAI-- possibly 98.5-99.6 Umat-- i'm pretty logical, semi high iq in most tests (around 130) Interview-- not too good at talking, but passionate about course -- charity work--none --volunteer work--none any judgements, pls be frank
  9. Wohzazz

    Band 6 4U

    What raw mark out of 120? Is it true that 43% (from statistics) of students get a band 6? So does this mean if i go to a selective school and even if i'm a little above average, chances are i'll get a band 6?
  10. Wohzazz


    How accurate do you have to be with graphs, like regarding concavity, slopes at different sections and the size How about min/max points, when do you know you have to find them? Inflexion? How about the guide graph (the graph you draw to help you draw another harder graph). Same axes? Dotted...
  11. Wohzazz

    When you make UMAT interviews

    What chances do you have of making the course. Apparently for UNSW they give around 500 interviews out. How many people do they pass? %?
  12. Wohzazz

    Handling failure and lack of motivation

    Back in term 4 last year, i was pretty motivated. I did a fair bit of studying and was confident to get a pretty decent marks in the HSC. My first few assessments marks were what i expected, if not better, and i was glad. Then last term i felt tired, mentally tired. I didnt want to do too...
  13. Wohzazz

    when does school start?

    Lol, i dont know when school starts. Is it Wednesday?
  14. Wohzazz

    Any work in the holidays?

    I literally did nothing in the holidays. Now i feel down and guilty. Gotta love term 2, its a good break with fewer assessments but for the people who want some good mark for the HSC, it means that PLAY TIME IS OVER. Oh i can't bear it. After 2 weeks of half yearlies, there was 2 weeks of...
  15. Wohzazz


    Where can i find notes on readings? Is there such thing as political reading?
  16. Wohzazz

    Relating techniques to journeys

    How do you relate stuff to journeys? is it like the tone changes ..blah show the changing nature of journey or other vague stuff like that, i find myself writing stuff like it may suggest, or it possibly suggest because i'm not too sure myself because most text are...
  17. Wohzazz

    How to prepare for English

    How do I prepare for reading/writing task? What do they look for in creative writing? How do i prepare for essays? What do they look for?
  18. Wohzazz

    Reading/writing tasks

    Does anyone know where i could get reading & writing tasks on the net for journeys. It will be good if they are written like HSC with marks on side and even better if they have marking guildlines though anything will do. Thanks
  19. Wohzazz


    Half yearlies coming up, and i don't know how to start. for maths do people start from past papers, then work on exercise (particularly on weak spots) or the other way round, tonnes of exercise and see if u can do past papers (i use to do this but i quite time consuming) for sciences, i...
  20. Wohzazz


    I never thought this will happen to me.... I never really thought it will be possible.... I thought it was an incentive to prevent people getting nervous.... But pressure and the nerves really kills I feel like crap after my first 4U test. the test was so easy but i did extraordinarily...