To be safe, I'd e-mail the unit coordinator about your problem if all of the available classes have been filled up. It can generally take a few hours or a few days before another class opens up.
Lol, I was being sarcastic. :)
You're a life saver! Why didn't I think of that! *head explodes*
Thank gosh, now I have an effective method to hopefully get my preferred times for both of my accounting units. Thanks! :)
Pretty much. The only week you don't have tutorials and lectures are week 17, unless it's specified on VUWS that you won't be having classes on certain weeks.
This depends if all the available classes have been filled and whether there are enough students left for the classes that are...
Thanks to the mass amount of people who kept clicking refresh every damn second, it made my net load even slower. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! :(
That said, I still got my times. One unit down, three more to go!
There's a free laptop hire service located at the front of the library. All you need is your student ID card, and you'll be given a laptop for a fair duration. Obviously you can't take the laptop home, and I'm not sure if you can't take it outside the library either, but it's still a nice...
Lol, I doubt you'd need to bring a laptop to uni when you're doing the BBC course. If your degree is mainly graphics/visual design based, then perhaps it's worthwhile in getting one, but definitely not necessary.
@h3da: buy me a 30m ethernet cable at MSY please. ;)
^Lol, it seems like they made the lecture earlier now. Damn lecture clash, not sure whether to completely skip Jap 101 or attend both and miss out on an hour of the Management Accounting lecture. :(
Edit: yep, taking up 3 units for a semester is fine. This just means that you'll be staying at...
It's not compulsory to directly follow the recommended sequence of study outlined on the UWS site and handbook. It's there so students can get a general idea on which units to pick and how the system works. Provided that you have satisfied the prerequisites of a unit, you're free to enroll into...
You will have three choices:
A. Enroll into the Mathematics Toolbox unit, which you'll need to pass in order to take up Statistics or Introduction to Economic Methods in the subsequent semester.
B. Pick another unit, re-do the basic maths test in the Spring semester.
C. Bribe the unit...
F: 0-49 = 0
P: 50-64 = 4
C: 65-74 = 5
D: 75-84 = 6
HD: 85-100 = 7
Total divided by the number of subjects you've completed.
48/8 (a year's worth of study) = GPA of 6.0
Yep, check out all of the available classes for the Autumn semester, plan which times you'll be going for then you're all set for tutorial registration on the 16th. Just be sure your net isn't capped on the day/s and that you're a fast clicker!
Well, considering your friends studied at UWS last year, the Autumn semester in 2009 did commenced on the 23rd. But it seems like it's changed this year and we get an extra week of break! :)
To be honest, with the small amount of hours I have per week and considering how long it takes me to travel to and from uni, I'm going to cram all my classes into 3 whole days, leaving me with a 4 day weekend.
Generally it's best to spread our your classes and have small breaks in between...
The learning guide outlines the unit policies, assessments and all of the things you'll have to learn throughout the semester. It may also contain practice exam and tutorial questions, and would typically include a detailed explanation on the grading criteria.
Yeah, every student should receive a copy of the unit outline at the start of their tutes, and if you're lucky enough, your tutors may dish our learning guides too. Hurray! :)
Generally you can only take up one tutorial, practical/workshop and a lecture per unit.
Just go to platformweb, click on your units and it will tell you how many classes/lectures you'll have to register for.
1. If it's possible to repeat the test, then by all means do so next semester.
2. See above.
3. You can't enroll into stats or intro to econ methods without passing the general test or maths toolbox unit.
Quite frankly, those are your only options for now, unless you can somehow persuade the...