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  1. kagura

    First day?

    Oh, a 'dress shirt' is your type of shirt - I guess it's more of a formal way of calling it. :)
  2. kagura

    Who went to the orientation for business and commerce 2day..

    ^Hey, he was the only one I remembered walking with a leb! :)
  3. kagura

    Who went to the orientation for business and commerce 2day..

    At orientation, you were pretty much a row behind me LOL. Then you mentioned something about walking with a leb - instantly thought omg... that must have been you!
  4. kagura

    First day?

    ^Lol, you were on the opposite side of me in that marketing lecture. You were wearing a black dress shirt, right? :)
  5. kagura

    Who went to the orientation for business and commerce 2day..

    ^Lol oh nope! I was pretty far away from him haha. :)
  6. kagura

    Who went to the orientation for business and commerce 2day..

    Oh, I went into BAS with 5 minutes to spare... but all the good seats were taken! -_- I think i was sitting near the front - on the right.
  7. kagura

    Who went to the orientation for business and commerce 2day..

    You remember where h3da was sitting? I was behind him by a few rows! :)
  8. kagura

    Who went to the orientation for business and commerce 2day..

    ^Thanks! Oh, I really hated eco back in year 11, but for some reason, I started liking it in the HSC LOL. >_>
  9. kagura

    First day?

    ^Lol, you were probably in the same lecture as me (9-11am, right?). I switched the lecture to 11-1pm when I got home because the break was so boring!
  10. kagura

    Who went to the orientation for business and commerce 2day..

    ^haha damn, hsc eco is still pretty hazy for me. ><
  11. kagura

    Who went to the orientation for business and commerce 2day..

    ^LOL yup, though I was in the library studying eco for 2 hours... >_> Should have went on their comps and *cough download some random anime cough* :)
  12. kagura

    Who went to the orientation for business and commerce 2day..

    [/B] Haha holy crap, you're in five of my tutes/lectures! It would have been six, but I changed my Business academic lecture to 11-1pm because the break was kinda too long. :)
  13. kagura

    Who went to the orientation for business and commerce 2day..

    ^Lol. Kinda freaky if you think about it. :) Oh Vu! Can you pm me your classes again? I wanna see if you're in any of my classes!
  14. kagura

    Who went to the orientation for business and commerce 2day..

    lol, I was sitting with a couple of people I met from orientation, which was pretty lucky. As for the BAS - I was all the way at the front. I remember I was coughing throughout the BAS lecture because I was sick, and this dude next to me kept saying 'bless you'. Lol, I didn't really know If I...
  15. kagura

    Who went to the orientation for business and commerce 2day..

    LOL, I wasn't really sure if that was you or not! If I see you tomorrow, I'll pop by and say hi. :) Oh, and I saw you in eco!
  16. kagura

    Who went to the orientation for business and commerce 2day..

    LOL omg... so that was actually you. Yeah, I was pretty much behind you (few rows away or something). When you mentioned you were walking around with a lebo on orientation day, yeah, I thought there was a high chance that it was you.
  17. kagura

    Who went to the orientation for business and commerce 2day..

    lol, h3da - where were you in the eco lecture today? I don't know why... but I have this weird feeling that I might have seen you (even though I don't know what you look like :)).
  18. kagura

    First day?

    Heh, I had two lectures today which were kinda boring, especially business acdemic skills! I was given false hope when the fire alarm went off... >_>
  19. kagura

    business academic skills

    Nope, it's not on my vUWS as of yet. It should be online by the coming days, so don't fret. :)