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  1. Pain

    Muscle/fat question

    Mate I love running in the dark. Just make sure it's a safe place though! Plus, the added creepiness motivates me to run harder.
  2. Pain

    Hindu girl marries a dog?!

    bwahaha REP'D You sir, win the internet for today.
  3. Pain

    Would you allow your Girlfriend to fist you?

    LOL, this dude is even considering it.
  4. Pain

    So how long will it take before 'Merlin' is axed?

    I'm actually calling mid-way during it's pilot. So it'll be 'Merlin' (about halfway through) -> Advertisement -> The Simpsons. And judging by the expected audience, about 2 people will be disappointed.
  5. Pain

    rechecking exams

    People like the OP make me want to punch babies. BUT, they do provide motivation. SO, as others have suggested, if you find plausible means to apply for more marks, then do so. What do you have to lose? A few minutes? Boo-hoo.
  6. Pain

    Did you know/see anyone cheat in the half yearly?

    Re: 回复: Re: Did you know/see anyone cheat in the half yearly? Wow there are some major failings on the school's mentioned here. Time to strengthen exam conditions ? Well, when you are allowed to ask another student a question...I think so.
  7. Pain

    Is this against the rules???

    The nicer members wouldn't mind. But, I guess, it's just putting your work on the public domain increases the chances of it being stolen by somebody else. Then the culprit/s and YOU are screwed. Yes, you get screwed too. SO, to minimize that risk, PM-ing EX HSC students for feedback is the way...
  8. Pain

    17 again!

    I thought the incest was hilarious.
  9. Pain

    How Do I burn a Macromedia Flash File to CD?

    You need to convert it into a different file format using a freeware converter. Try programs like 'Imtoo' or 'Aurora'. A quick google search of a file converter should do the trick. Also, you'll need to get it illegally with a crack in order to convert adequately.
  10. Pain

    lion king

    How can you say Disney cartoons aren't deep? ( Albeit, some are ridiculous, but some are actually quite powerful, as is The Lion King). Stop being fooled by the social stigma of animation = for kids. And how can you even justify your third point? It's not long, it's in the standard time length...
  11. Pain

    Exercise plan

    Agree with 'physicslover', and no, I don't mean his stupid name ( BIOLOGY ROCKS) *ahem* Anyway, yes, exercise is arguably the most important leisure time one has. If you feel you can't leave time aside for exercise, then increase your incidental exercise. What I mean, is that perhaps, instead of...
  12. Pain

    Is it just me...

    I fucking hate asian porn. Small guys, hairy girls, squealing bitches, pathetic blowjobs ( albeit, the small penis makes life for the chick difficult), and man, you can just keep going on. It's horrendous. BUT, American Asians...That's a different story...Aveena Lee, Mika Tan, Miko Lee, Asia...
  13. Pain

    Man bites off friend's penis and swallows it

    How can you even get biting? You're fucked up.
  14. Pain

    choose your own adventure story

    Unless it's in multimedia then... HAHA a girl in my class is doing this exact same thing. Unless it's you Chloe...
  15. Pain

    Final Fantasy

    FFVII is still enjoyable IMO. Although, I , like others, do not understand the bashing of FFX ? Damn pragmatic noobs. It is a visually, and emotionally powerful game. Seriously, what are the complaints ?
  16. Pain

    live action Dragonball movie

    If Uwe Bolle shat something out besides his films, it would be this.
  17. Pain


    Suprisingly intresting, but hardly exhilirating. It's better then the disappointing Quantum of Solace, but no where near the leagues of the Bourne Trilogy.
  18. Pain

    Is extension 2 english easy?

    A look at his siggy should tell you. Either way, I think this subject requires at least some form of hard work. Nobody can compose a 50/50 piece of work the night before, nor can they do so without possessing the necessary skills, research or passions. So yes, some may find it 'easy' - - only...
  19. Pain

    fastest way to get abs?

    Ab's are a form of muscle, so you can't just do sit-ups and crunches alone to get them. You need forms of protein to develop them, just as you would with any other muscle group. You seem you're in good shape, with the swimming and all, so, I suggest just adding protein to your diet, and keeping...
  20. Pain

    do you think it is an oxymoron that we are asked to write a creative piece

    Talk about failure to grasp the correct meaning of a word. MS Word right-click thesauraus treating you well is it? Haha, I'm just mucking around. In relation to the topic at hand, I believe asking a student to write a creative piece is a bit silly. How do you mark or judge creativeness? Does...