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  1. The Bograt

    New Term resolution

    that's a good start ;) For me it is going to be so important to make notes each week so I don't have to do it when exams come around, it cost me so much time writing notes before the half yearlies
  2. The Bograt

    Footy Tips for the week

    dragons for sure, I will guarentee that
  3. The Bograt

    New Term resolution

    Going into this new term, what is everyone going to change about themselves and your attitude. Me? I'm going to start by making notes on my computer at the end of every week, so it's easier when it comes to the crunch, plus I'm going to cut the hell out of my TV time. Plus I'm going to try and...
  4. The Bograt

    school contributions

    I've always paid mine up to year 12, then I realised it was pointless to pay it because all they do with it is build a new carpark out the front of the school, then 4 months later tear it all up and put grass in.
  5. The Bograt

    what do u wanna be?

    Research scientist (chemistry) or a chemist, or possibly a forensic scientist
  6. The Bograt

    Any work in the holidays?

    to put it simply: I've done jack shit
  7. The Bograt

    el nino & lightning

    Hahaha that's hilarious what a legend Here is a chem one, pretty funny
  8. The Bograt

    Year 12 PiCS

    Crap couldn't get my muckup photo up anyway it was really good, I'll work on it
  9. The Bograt

    Whats the best game on PS2?

    personally I like Vice City, but there are so many good ones out there. Right now I'm playing James Bond: Everything or Nothing for GCN (but it's also on PS2) IT IS MAD GET IT NOW. It's 3rd person now and has wiked bike and car bits in it too. GET IT
  10. The Bograt

    Age of Empires

    I have AOE1 and AOES2 with the expansion pack, love them all. Really appreciate it more when you do ancient history :P Everyone if you like AOE then get Rise of Nations, its bloody good. Kinda expands the concept of giong through the ages of time right up to the present, and includes stuff...
  11. The Bograt

    What kind of student are you ??? 10 choices

    im an immobile sporty nomad
  12. The Bograt

    stuffed up my half yearlies

    hahaha unfortuantely the HSC doesn't measure greatness hmm that'd make a good sig.....
  13. The Bograt

    Australian Mathematics Competiton

    Only if you go really well (top 2% or somthing - someone correct me)
  14. The Bograt

    Have You Ever Cheated In An Exam

    did that yesterday but only a couple of the hard ones, the rest I knew. Shhh don't tell anyone
  15. The Bograt

    Exams!! 1/2 yrlys

    wow ditto above, had my last exam today, ext maths - I went horrible. Although it should be ok because I think everyone else did aswell.
  16. The Bograt

    BEST chemistry study guide?

    I agree completely
  17. The Bograt

    anode -> negative electrode

    its the one that isn't the anode
  18. The Bograt

    Naturally occurring bases?

  19. The Bograt

    Naturally occurring bases?

    Is there any naturally occuring bases because that is what dot point asks and I can only think of acids!