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  1. Agnes2810

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    i mean im going to greenwood on thus too
  2. Agnes2810

    OI someone here MUST be goin to MACLEAY!

    oh did u have phil charlie for radio? maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan hes boring. aaaarghhh
  3. Agnes2810

    OI someone here MUST be goin to MACLEAY!

    oh right hehehehe
  4. Agnes2810

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    i went to greewood last night... so g ood!
  5. Agnes2810

    OI someone here MUST be goin to MACLEAY!

    ur article.. on the block... councils are locked in battle with home owners, who claim a heritage listing will devalue their property. hehehhee nice foto too :p
  6. Agnes2810

    OI someone here MUST be goin to MACLEAY!

    yeah i did. which article did u write? :p
  7. Agnes2810

    OI someone here MUST be goin to MACLEAY!

    im not sure.. why?
  8. Agnes2810

    OI someone here MUST be goin to MACLEAY!

    haahha no not as hard as that ay!! its for visual communications, gotta design a t shirt bout saomeone famous, and practise typography n stuff ..
  9. Agnes2810

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    why thank you! haha :p:p:p
  10. Agnes2810

    If u do IPT as well......

    yes, yes they do
  11. Agnes2810

    OI someone here MUST be goin to MACLEAY!

    i got my first assignment aahhhhhhhhhh
  12. Agnes2810

    OI someone here MUST be goin to MACLEAY!

    oh i c,. coolcool
  13. Agnes2810

    OI someone here MUST be goin to MACLEAY!

    haha yeh ive seen mike bailey around. i live in menai. so belinda is a bad teacher?
  14. Agnes2810

    OI someone here MUST be goin to MACLEAY!

    what is short hand? ohh u live in penshurst,, yeah i know how u feel, i gotta catch the 6:45am bus to sutherland then catch the 7:30 train.. its a bitch yes i have belinda for computers.. is she good? she seems alright we have this one guy steve lamot for advertising business practice...
  15. Agnes2810

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    i go to tank? does that count? its in the same building! haha
  16. Agnes2810

    OI someone here MUST be goin to MACLEAY!

    ohhh computers..... typequick, i hate it. im so unco! haha
  17. Agnes2810

    marketing @ TAFE

    i did marketing and advertising at tafe last yr. north syd. now im doin advertising at macleay college its so much better :p good luck pplz!
  18. Agnes2810

    OI someone here MUST be goin to MACLEAY!

    i didnt have too many weirdos!! hehe
  19. Agnes2810

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    ohh german boys r yummy