Search results

  1. K

    those with online accounts

    e.g. those with accounts like those from ing, bankwest etc with that online account and high interest... I want to ask how "safe" it is opening them and the process to transfer money. I want to open one as i have a nice sum id like to work for me instead of laying under the bed in my tin, but...
  2. K

    Table Tennis: on TV

    i know there was a thread long time ago..(in a galaxy far far away..) but those of you who want to watch it, its on today on SBS form 2.00pm till 3.30pm. ive posted a similar thread in tv but thought this part suited it much...
  3. K

    Table Tennis Lovers: ITs on TV TODAY!!

    Just letting anyone who fancies watching what REAL table tennis is like, switch onto SBS today at 2.00pm which runs till 3.30pm (AEST) for some!!! i just found out and if anyone wants to watch it, go ahead. Now at least poeple can stop saying ping pong is just a recreational activity, the REAL...
  4. K

    rumours of new system

    according to the uws onion: werro student centre to be closed down new system implemented so students can send forms online more problems i forsee, alas uws management cutting more costs... read edition seven via .pdf at
  5. K

    powerpoint renders printer confused...

    hi....well ill let you guys konw that ive read a similar thread posted before but its not related to this problem so yeah.. anyway, i am trying to print lecture slides (outline view) from home as you do but the printer will print out like funny characters and will "stretch" the document so the...
  6. K

    webct campus connection

    coem in and join!!! log into webct, on the webct hoempage (the pages that display all your enrolled subjects), they have the announcements on your RHS and click "want to meet other students", it will opne into a new page and click that link, and you got campus connection on your webct. you...
  7. K

    Shaky mouse pointer?

    I am using a MS Wheelmouse optical. problem: although it happens rarely, the mouse pointer on the screen moves or shakes at that point even though my hand isnt on the mouse and that i can see it sitting quite this some kind of phenomenon? like does the optics stuff up iin this...
  8. K


    ive got mine, have you??? i honestly thought it would be later on in the year...but i got mine YAY! sent it in the mail... btw, im form uws so dunno about other unis, thought it may remind you people to check the mail for it?
  9. K


    ive received my letter, have you???
  10. K

    Our library: can we access other libraries books

    as above...and i mean can we borrow other uni's books on our card?
  11. K

    HAha, uws screwing over acadmics as well

    tried to to take his car back lol...
  12. K

    25million for uws!

    let you poeple know that in the australian today: uws gets 25million which will be used at C'town fofr the new medicine faculty etc; parramatta's new building, penriths new library and hawkesbury. coz im not subscribed i dont think i can get the link but if you want to find out more, its in...
  13. K

    25% HECS increase starting 2006

    i heard it on triple J and also its on the uws homepage: what do you guys think?
  14. K

    Dses anyone know any good bikes?

    like the title, anyone own any good bikes? Im looking around for a good quality at a reasonable price bike..lets just say ive lost confidence in the bikes you buy at kmarts and target. plus what would you reccomend? as in features etc? for now id say im looking at 3 piece cranks, comfotable...
  15. K

    BOS server playing up?

    is it? and i think there are errors on the uws forum on bos. i am having trouble getting stuff like operation timed out or the document contains no data. and i am using ffx but now have to revert back to ie (noooo), is there a way top stop ffx's dialog boxes like the ones i metioned above to...
  16. K

    how are people studying?

    are you behind/organised? do oyu get everything? how do oyu study? make notes/ summarise/ read or cram at the last minute? and can you access your books? im having lots of trouble becoz everybody in my course is after this specific book. anyway, how's yours?
  17. K

    subway: whats it lilke???

    ive searched through all the older threads and many poeple seem against subway, saying its repetitive and pay less. i just wna tto know who is employed by subway now to ask how its like and the pay.i thought thsi is common in all fast food reatil outlets. im not guaranteed a job buts its mroe...
  18. K

    what do you guys/gals do in your free time at uni?

    i have a 4 hour break at parra on fridays and am bored. i usally go and do some study in the library but if not id wander... what do you people do? id be better occupied if the upstairs of the parra bar was open. i thought you guys would have pool tables and ping pong :(
  19. K

    most in demand major

    what are the jobs/careers in deman. who cares what is popular [it matters], but what will secure you a job in hte future, where demands are needeed. overseas as well if need be. accounting, marketing, econmomics. if you can, identify any specificalities like in accounting some say that auditors...
  20. K

    relinquishing academic credit

    i wonder if its allowed? i transferred to another degree and all my academic credit has been accepted, which means they let me have 4 cores credited and 3 units as electives. but then i only get to submajor since i only have 5 units left of electives. so i wanna know if i can drop/relinquish my...