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  1. K


    er i have i think a stupid question, but its to do with installing more ram in my notebook...i was thinking can you install another module but its of a different size to the original? Im using DDR2 and it came with 256 [which is why i want mroe] and i was thinking whehter i can install another...
  2. K

    downloading itunes...

    fo some reason i can't download itunes form apples keeps gving me thsoe stupid popup warnings saying 'download th file?' and then when you click yes, the site says it will redirect to input your email again since it was soem error and then it repeats itself. ive turned the popup...
  3. K

    UWS Web Survey

    Um...on our Current Students page, there is a quick web survey link for us to comment about the website and whther you could offer hints and improvements to the UWS website. the link is at the top of our current students page or alternativeley here...
  4. K

    Dialog boxes popping up on my desktop

    every 10 or so minutes, i ge tthese stupid popups/dailog boxes saying i got like security errors and i need to go to so and so site to download software to correct it, but i believe it is adware/etc so ive installed ad aware to kill some of them, which it has but not all, as the thing still...
  5. K

    Student ID Cards

    well i just noticed that my ID caard is expiring next year at the end of march 2006 [next year]; so what do i do? surely they should send out, inform those with expiring cards right? I thought that my card would be valid to the end [bascially 3 yr period] but no.... is anyone else in the same...
  6. K

    Student Insurances

    Thought i'd inform you guys/gals about it. As you know, Uws has updated its site, i just found out a nice litle site fo us to know about how ot get work experience on our own. Yes, we are covered, but we have to ask our coordinaters to approve etc. the link is on the current students site, but...
  7. K

    hotmail sign out process

    is anyoen else who signs out of hotmail, get that stupid check [red check for unsuccesful, green for succesful sign out] thingy? and it proceeds to either a sign in screen or well for some reason, it does neither for me, i am going instead the the msn site [US], what the hell...
  8. K

    can a student have both Hecs-help and fee-help?

    ok...i can tfind it on goingto website but also a number of questions: will having fee-help for a couple of units at antoehr campus affect my hecs-help in any way like forfeiting it? and is applying jus tlike before, doing some forms? thanks all.
  9. K

    S-S-S-Summer Session [School] at UWS???

    huh? url: link Hmmm, thinking of accelerating? want to catch up on or redo units? Think about it... Ofcourse CQU is an alternative too...Dunno wha tunits UWS are gonna offer or whether it only offers to certain schools [which would be sad]. Also, its non-award, so you will need to submit...
  10. K

    No more than 1500 words...

    explain me this? for a group presentation we have to also submit a word doc about the questions we answer for the assignment. It says no more than 1500 words but is this applicable to the 10% =/- rule? i remember something like it does but according to my mathematics, logic says tha tno more...
  11. K

    Things that should be in cars

    me and my friend like to talk crap about everything but cars are just one of the main things we pull apart alot. we reckon that cars should really change themselves instead or incremantal changes. see that netoyota concept model? very smart, we are thinkng along htose lines really... i mean...
  12. K

    Where do you keep your plates?

    well? at the front, my dad made holes in my L's and wired it in the front grille and ssecured it on the number plate while in the back we stick it in the rear window but becasue of the tint, i reckon its not as obvious to other driverse as its meant to. where do you put yours so maybe i can...
  13. K

    The Stress of Uni

    Due to my responsibilities at home increasing and that third year subjects are like DEMANDING, i've actually dropped a subject so im doing only 3 untis this semester and thus ill graduate in 2007.... HOw are you people taking it? is it too much to blance uni and home and life? it sure is for me.
  14. K

    Battery Usage of your electronic goodies

    I'd just like to know how long batteries are used until they go flat for your goodies such as CD players and Mp3 players, expecially the ones that use disposable and not rechargeable batteries. I sold my CD player coz it used to suck up so much battery and thus money, i've since switched to an...
  15. K

    Bored? Want to know what uws is up to in the holidays? Read on

    got o student admin page and read the minutes of the Board of trustees. Like someone mentioned earlier, there is new names of schools and stuff and other things. read on @
  16. K

    The Usual "whatcha gonna do in the hols" thread

    er, yeah...i thought this would complement the after exam threads for plans of the uws students... ME: find a job, and anything will do (well to a certain extent)....and get er, well lets just say losing a few brain cells eh? catchup with my overly-ignored friends who are very dissapointed...
  17. K

    Online Handbooks: They can now be downloaded

    Handbooks i.e. pdf versions of handbooks for postgrad/undergrad/sgsm for different school (e.g. Law and Biz) which outline in more detail the course info. [i think the old uws crowd might know about the handbooks that were given out during the hsc] You know UWS could have let the students and...
  18. K

    Which to pick?

    ok...ive just recently found out that i cant do an accounting sub major or that only 3 units from the sub major will gain credit for an MPA plus my degree is doe snot complement accounting at all. On offer are majors that will complement my management degree and they are: Marketing Operations...
  19. K

    High pitched whistling

    ok..i dont want to sound like some computer illeterate, (i took up IT in the HSC you know!) but problems keep coming up to p*ss me off. when im using the computer (this is usually late at night, doing assignments before the due date) and im happily typing away when i hear this high pitched...
  20. K

    webct? working for you?

    is everyones webct working? mine isnt, something about mainenance. i need to do my practice exam and i cant access webct to do it. just great....