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  1. seremify007

    Eligibility for Concession Sticker

    Just wondering if anyone knows what you actually need to have in order to get it. I'm currently a FT student but am switching to PT next session. I'm also thinking of doing 3 subjects (18UOC) instead of 2 subjects (12UOC) and wonder if that'll constitute FT with concession sticker?
  2. seremify007

    Alloy Wheels

    Just wondering if anyone can shed some light on the benefits of alloy wheels... I mean, I know they are lighter, look better, and supposedly get rid of heat better- but are they really that much better? I also wonder how one can go about fitting a nice set of rims to a car with alloy wheels...
  3. seremify007

    First Speeding Ticket

    All I can say is.. Damn school zones.
  4. seremify007

    Why oh why must someone go and ruin a perfectly good site >_> Any of you guys from the forums there? For those who don't know, the site got hacked and they are offering the entire user database online, showing all the mod posts, photos of the mods, contact details, etc... kinda feel sorry...
  5. seremify007

    Amp/Subwoofer Placement

    I know I was gonna get decent speakers but ended up opting for a low-powered amp and sub after realising that without an amp, the speakers wouldn't get used much, and with front speakers w/ twin-tweeters and rear coaxials, it didn't really improve the depth/bass of the music but rather just the...
  6. seremify007

    New 3 series Coupe

    What do you think? My first reaction was "hmm looks a bit like how I'd imagine the 5 series..." and then I looked at the side and you can see the clear design cues from the 6 series with the wrap around tail lights, but I don't like the design of the tails. Maybe because the photos are from...
  7. seremify007

    What kindof speakers should I get?

    After finding out that installing a sub into my Civic is gonna be very difficult (requires disconnecting rear speakers, adding wiring for the amp power, etc...) or costly (if I want to retain rear speakers, I need to buy some special unit which accepts the speaker outputs from my deck), I've...
  8. seremify007

    Speed Limiters at 120??!

    Did any of you guys hear about that on the news tonight?
  9. seremify007


    What do you think of Lexus? To me, they have awesome looking cars (well I liked the SC430, Harrier, the old IS, and the new IS) but despite being overlaiden with new technology, I still can't help but think they are overpriced Toyotas filled with gimmicks and gizmos. Sure there's the kickass...
  10. seremify007

    Cars with faulty brake lights...

    ... really piss me off. I'm not talking the ones where only one light is faulty- I'm saying all the brake lights are faulty (either that or they weren't braking at all)... today was tailing a 4WD with trailer which obscured brake lights on the 4WD, and the trailer's brake lights weren't...
  11. seremify007

    Custom Plates?

    Do you have custom/personalised plates for your car? Sigh the one I want (whilst available) costs $500+ a year :vcross: ... but my cousins back in Malaysia were nice enough to order me official number plates (which are legit over there) for me as a present (and incentive to move back)...
  12. seremify007

    Accounting Meet the Firm BBQ on Tuesday

    I'm surprised there's been no official announcement about this so I'll just c&p from the Comsoc forums since it's probably of interest to quite a few ppl; URL:
  13. seremify007

    WebCT Paging

    Does anyone use it? I was wondering if it actually works 'coz I tried messaging my friend... and nothing happened. Do they get a popup window or something?
  14. seremify007

    HID lights

    Before you laugh- I am a n00b at this :P Are the blue-ish lights on the Odyssey HIDs? I heard they are. And.. if the light they emit is really really bright, doesn't this blind other drivers (and hence become illegal)? Also.. how much should I be expecting to pay for them? My cousin said...
  15. seremify007

    Basic help with Car Audio

    Hey there, Just wanted to ask a few simple Q's which I figured most ppl (who know much about car audio) would be able to help me with^^ 1. What is the difference between "Mono Bloc Amplifier" and "2 Channel Amplifier" and "4 Channel Amplifier". I can figure out the difference (ie. amplifies...
  16. seremify007

    New Honda Civic

    Just wondering what anyone here thinks of it- apart from Ciel (thanks for responding to sms). I am pretty set on getting over the Astra. Sure it's not as nice (no leather seats) but the dash is much better, the sound system isn't as good (but I can add amp/subwoofer), etc... but it's cheaper...
  17. seremify007

    Should I overload whilst doing part time B Comm (1st yr)?

    Just wondering what you guys thought.. Currently I'm full time (acct 1501, legt1711, econ1101, econ1202)... In session 2 I will be working full time and studying part time- I decided to enrol in 18UOC (the three core subs for B Comm s2)- acct1502, econ1102, econ1203. Do you think this'll be...
  18. seremify007

    Driving Instructor's Car at P's Test + Lesson- How much?

    Just wondering how much you guys paid for the driving instructor's car in the P's test, and the driving lesson right before it? My instructor is charging $110 all up... is that a normal price? He also said I'll need to bring $40 or so for the actual license or something like that. I already...
  19. seremify007

    Official UNSW Comsoc Website + Forum

    Well after today's lecture and seeing quite a few Q's about this on BoS, I thought it might be a good idea to post a link to the official UNSW Comsoc website. It has heaps of information on the Comsoc events like camps, cruises, etc... and has note-sharing...
  20. seremify007

    My photo album (various cars)

    I thought I'd upload various car photos from Malaysia to a website for keepsake- if anyone's bored; the url is Don't laugh at the ugly web design.. I used the simplest looking template in jAlbum to make it faster to load (and upload).