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  1. F

    Post Your Results Here

    "meh i did shit!!" Does it matter, really? Let it serve as inspiration, because dammit it doesn't mean anything at all! There are bigger and more important things to come.>>>HSC
  2. F

    Post Your Results Here

    lol, im not everybody. and i went better in english because..hmm the SC external test, wasn't that worth like 30%. Im better at assessments not the major tests.
  3. F

    Post Your Results Here

    I was happppy with results, considering teh amount of time i devoted to studying (the wkend b4!). english - 93 mathematics - 85 science - 89 history - 91 geo - 86 lol, and maths is supposed be my best subject!
  4. F

    !!! SCHOOL vs MARKZ (post here)

    bah, burden of tech. lol Never thought of applying that one!Will do this next yr! On a balance of probabilities......beyond reasonable doubt!!!!! good thinking estel
  5. F

    !!! SCHOOL vs MARKZ (post here)

    lol, I do debating and public speaking also...mmm do you use the yardstick, scope model?? (have been wondering about this style) Am starting duke of edinburgh- hey where are you doing your expedition? Hockey, umpiring, karate got to love these! Am going for medicine scholarships (lol, don't...
  6. F

    !!! SCHOOL vs MARKZ (post here)

    lol, "testament to talent", actually it's really a testament to your sanity in a way. Hey estel u are taking the same sub's as myself, ah minus the ext 2 units and history (ewhhh and add in art). i think the ext. 2 for his and eng would be cool: provided you are able to establish major...
  7. F

    !!! SCHOOL vs MARKZ (post here)

    Mmm i don't really understand whether, (or to want extent) my embarrassment should lay....i go to Melville High School. I don't suspect that you would have heard of it.
  8. F

    !!! SCHOOL vs MARKZ (post here) not complain about it though. *grits teeth* oh i'm going to love's going to be a marvellous... (jk!)
  9. F

    !!! SCHOOL vs MARKZ (post here)

    Lol...our school has trouble convincing enough ppl to take the first extension for english and maths. As it stands at present, i know of only one other girl who is also doing eng ext with me :(. And have heard there is about 7-9 ppl doing extension maths. Of course take into account that I...
  10. F

    Post Your Results Here

    hee haa, I dont want to get mine back either. Hey how is it marked, like I know for english we did those assessments all year (that went towards the final mark). Is it the same for the rest of the subjects...with the final external exam weighting like 30% (lol, dont really have a clue!)
  11. F

    Why is HP so famous?

    "Harry Potter" ....."Is that harry potter"....... (miffled screams) "ARGH HARRY POTTER" "WHERE" The goofy next doorsy boy that we have all, one way or another, familarised ourselve with. The series have successly combined characteristics of the gallant unconventional hero. What makes Harry...
  12. F


    lol, really i think there is absolutely too much hype about his many "professionals" have told me....the SC means S*(&T all. Mmm, we're one of the few states that still have this type of external exams in YR 10! Have F U N in the holidays...if u really feel like studying....i think ur...
  13. F

    subject selection

    thanx kimmeh, that is reassuring.
  14. F

    SC mark!!

    interesting avatar
  15. F

    The Literary Acquisition Thread

    Lol, sorryzzzzzzzzz that's a funny way of saying ur 'poor'. I'm not too grandure...oewh or the creme de la laye of our fine country, though be emcumbered by the fact that you are an Australian. Why should this political status (of discremption) warm your heart........ have you not heard....we...
  16. F

    subject selection

    oi------a can somebody (lol, anybody) give a fair analysis of the scaling for my subjects.. visual arts 3 unit maths 3 unit english chemistry physics How high do you have to rank for scaling to be effective?
  17. F

    LEAST favourite book?

    lol, when i read it. I believe..argh this is stretching my mind...this was a fair while ago. It was easy to note, thenceforth after reading a biography on the bronte sisters and brother, to notice a presence of syntax errors in all their books..though what intrigues me most about all books from...
  18. F

    Your favourite book!

    I likea myriad (alot alot alot) of books. Too many to list off the top of my head Chinese Cinderella had to be one of the most awesome storylines i have ever encountered. Though the writing could have been more emotive to exemplify the point, though as it stood,this book had me in tears like...
  19. F

    LEAST favourite book?

    OI, Jane Eyre ws a good book. I only wished that our modern writers showed such a passion for the collarboration of words. Moby Dick, I read the first paragraph about turbulent seas and could go no further ! CONGRATULATIONS we have a winner...Moby Dick!
  20. F

    subject selection

    mwad! hey mateyyyyyyyyyy i picked the exact same except, yeah i guess i didn't. But instead of econimics i have picked ext eng..I was thinking of trying ext2 maths, but there is too low standards at my school. would love to hear from you...and i think maybe since you have picked the "same "...