Gregor Samsa
That Guy
The depository for chronicling the texts you have acquired, whether through capitalistic excess, or having the book/s in question given to you by some kind soul. (Other means of procurement also apply.)
I've been on a bit of a book-buying binge in the last two days, spurred by the good prices of some Newtown bookstores (Elizabeths.. Highly recommended. This preceding line was brought to you by Elizabeths..), and as such, have managed to add a few texts to my growing collection.
William Shakespeare-Complete Works (Collins edition. A nice 'standard' text to have.)
Thomas Pynchon-Gravity's Rainbow (I've been looking for this for ages. Luckily managed to find it second-hand, although for some reason, it was in almost every bookstore I looked in today, albeit with varying prices..)
Fyodor Dostoevsky-The Brothers Karamazov
Anton Chekhov-The Chekhov Omnibus (Some of his best short stories.. Who else has read 'A Dreary Story?". One of my favourite lines is in this story.. Indifference is the paralysis of the soul. It is premature death. . Many of the stories are depressing yet uplifting.. And for a random Chekhov-related thought, I find it interesting that one of his earliest short stories, Steppe refers to a cherry orchard, that being the title of his last play. A nice cyclical touch..)
Tom Stoppard-Collected Plays Volume One. (Heh. Only three days since I handed back a copy from the school library, and had to accquire it for good. At least now I won't be without The Real Inspector Hound.
Tom Stoppard-Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead. (It's true.)
But yes, do detail your own hauls..
I've been on a bit of a book-buying binge in the last two days, spurred by the good prices of some Newtown bookstores (Elizabeths.. Highly recommended. This preceding line was brought to you by Elizabeths..), and as such, have managed to add a few texts to my growing collection.
William Shakespeare-Complete Works (Collins edition. A nice 'standard' text to have.)
Thomas Pynchon-Gravity's Rainbow (I've been looking for this for ages. Luckily managed to find it second-hand, although for some reason, it was in almost every bookstore I looked in today, albeit with varying prices..)
Fyodor Dostoevsky-The Brothers Karamazov
Anton Chekhov-The Chekhov Omnibus (Some of his best short stories.. Who else has read 'A Dreary Story?". One of my favourite lines is in this story.. Indifference is the paralysis of the soul. It is premature death. . Many of the stories are depressing yet uplifting.. And for a random Chekhov-related thought, I find it interesting that one of his earliest short stories, Steppe refers to a cherry orchard, that being the title of his last play. A nice cyclical touch..)
Tom Stoppard-Collected Plays Volume One. (Heh. Only three days since I handed back a copy from the school library, and had to accquire it for good. At least now I won't be without The Real Inspector Hound.
Tom Stoppard-Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead. (It's true.)
But yes, do detail your own hauls..