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  1. F

    Passed a subject already?

    i was waiting in line to enrol (back in the day, when you had to enrol at uni baaaahh - i feel old), and this girl in front of me was whinging bout how she'd "passed" psych before her final worth 30%.. and then found out that she failed... anyways, for many subjects.. you need to pass the...
  2. F

    final exam tips S105

    standard of tutes/quizzes is easy compared to the final, ie. final is much harder than tutes. if all you've been doing is acst200 and stat272, you'll do fine. i only started doing acst200 like a week before the exam (which wasn't smart).
  3. F

    final exam tips S105

    uum, study hard hehee. *understand* the concepts as well, and don't just only memorise the formulae. the best advice is now redundant. it would've been, attempt all the tutorial questions (and sit there and think about them) without the answers in front of you (when you're doing them for...
  4. F

    final exam tips S105

    flyin' would also like to add that generally speaking finals are worth heaps more than you think. you could just passing the subject, ace the final and land a distinction. so study hard. alternately, you could stuff the final, and find you've just passed/failed the subject... as for tip -...
  5. F

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    that's if Senderos doesn't get shipped off (like Upson). Wenger looks likely to stick with his more expensive defender: the experienced Cygan, if he had the choice. Senderos looked better than the other three around him.
  6. F

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    This was before Gameweek 29 was over. The table looks a bit different now, with two teams just 3 points away... 1 Manchester United Matt #1 85 1563 2 losers los er 100 1560 3 jacee fc jas on 109 1560 4 Legendz FC Matt Johansson 118 1545 5 fei_wa utd fei wa 81 1510...
  7. F

    so did everyone made some friends yet?

    Just cos you're not in first year and have friends... some of these people don't have any high school friends or know anyone who they can call friends. Empathy.. or is that sympathy =p
  8. F

    so did everyone made some friends yet?

    no wonder you're our new resident stalker =p
  9. F

    Lecture notes enuf?

    iLectures are great... download (on dial-up for 3 hours for a 2 hour lecture), press play, jot down notes, pause, jot down more notes, play an mp3... get something eat, sit back... back to iLecture =p As for reading: do it, if you don't understand the material. Otherwise, there are better...
  10. F

    Doing maths for a unit?

    i dunno what anu offers.. but in 2nd and 3rd year maths, there shouldn't be any general/easy maths. 1st year maths isn't that useful.
  11. F

    100 level units in second year?

    Actually, 100, 200, 300, don't signify the level of difficulty as such. Rather the level of specialisation in a course. Eg. you'll find most 100 level courses are "Introductions" of some kind. Whereas most 300 level courses are course specific units. However, it so happens that...
  12. F

    Difference between BC and BBA ?

    People generally find ECON111 harder than ECON110. ECON110 is just memorising the textbook. ECON111 requires more thinking, and there isn't really a textbook to memorise.
  13. F

    Doing maths for a unit?

    Yes, alot of Actuarial theory is based on Mathematics which isn't taught. So for better understanding, do some Mathematics.
  14. F

    Credits or Distinctions Easy to obtain?? Plz really urgent

    it's even harder to get hds.
  15. F

    hey just wondering ...

    I presume you choose your group, then? Shifty "Team Leader" =p
  16. F

    Difference between BC and BBA ?

    How is ECON110 interesting? All you do in lectures is sleep. And the content is repetitive and dull. ECON111 on the other hand had the much more interesting content but required more work and thinking.
  17. F

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    Who would've guessed, esp with Gerrard out, that Liverpool would be ahead in the ECL out of all the English teams. Red 3, Lever 1 Bayern 3, Gunners 1 Man Utd 0, Milan 1 Barca 2, Chelsea 1 I think Milan can keep Crespo, cos he isn't suited for EPL as much.
  18. F

    Can Man Utd catch Chelsea in the Premiership?

    By the looks of things, Man Utd prolly won't catch Chelsea. However, it'll be closer than it is now.
  19. F

    WebCT is up

    it's a "newer" version of webct, but the forum is just as bad, and the layout is the same. only that it looks "neater".
  20. F

    ACST300 vs ACST399: which is harder?

    My ACST399 mark WILL BE higher than my ACST300 mark. I have an invisible crystal ball. ;)