I didn't make any real friends until my s/o and I became friends. Until then, I dont think either of us had anyone to sit with in lectures (or at least we didnt have any people we actually wanted to sit with!). I have a great friend in law (we work together too), but when I go to the lecture's its awkward because I dont know her little group of high scholl friends who she sits with, so I just sit there and dont say anything (...or don't go!

) Now I tend to just make friends in tute's, but thats it. Its a complete uni-based friendship. I wouldnt call any of them to go out... I have high school friends for that.
So dont worry bubs, there are heaps of people out there who dont make solid friendships for ages-if ever! Its not like high school where you see the same people everyday... Just wait until you click with someone, it will happen I promise. Until then, sit on the grass and pretend to read (I got v. good at that!), or go to that mentoring thing G2G mentioned...
...and hey! The longer it takes to make friends, the more time you have to study!!!! How exciting!