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  1. Undermyskin

    Medentry . HELP ..~ Is it worth it?

    You mean we'd better study on our own and stuff? Um, $500 each student or as a whole group?
  2. Undermyskin

    Studying on Friday nights

    Next Fri I'll go to HSC plus for Bio from 4.30 to 9.00 so I won't study anything more on that day. Normally people slack off a bit in Fri nights but if you can do it, good on you, if you can't that's not a big deal. Get it as a reward for your harwork during the week. Studying like mad from...
  3. Undermyskin

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Re: Who knows what they want to be when they 'Grow Up'? It's like a thread to post the subjects you're taking??? Anyway, no-one loves being rocker???
  4. Undermyskin

    Medentry . HELP ..~ Is it worth it?

    Um, I just got the disk containing the contents of two books Dallas and MedEntry. I bought it for $50 but when surfing through its content,'s worth it. By the way, there's a recent change in Section 3 saying that when you meet a question requiring you to find the next picture to fit in...
  5. Undermyskin

    Any thoughts? 12 Units or 10?

    Yeah, one only...maybe two. 1st: the final answer you will always end up with is: 'it depends on you'. 2nd: this box is getting boring with the same stuff being and re^n-reposted. *Yawn*
  6. Undermyskin


    End up being corpse, I suppose. Iraq is still too good a destination! Um, watching movies and advertisements about this sort of thing always excites you but the fact frustrates you if you are not that well-prepared. ...Hey, check the Pilot thingy. That sounds cool!
  7. Undermyskin

    Skrzynecki-Leaving Home help please.

    I hate Skrzynecki!!!!! The use of Chagall is related to the fact Skrzynecki was ordered to move to a remote countryside a hundred miles away. Chagall is a famous Russian (check his nationality again) artist with his pictures surrounding the lives of countrymen and women and an inextricable...
  8. Undermyskin

    dry cell or lead-acid cell Here you go. It's the official can read it anyway. As I said, check out the websites provided by your text books. They have many good stuffs.
  9. Undermyskin

    4U maths destroys confidence

    Agree. If with 50% you can get up to a band 5, I recommend all the 3u students to do it 'cuz it will scale them up damn well anyway. The fact is not like that. With 50% raw mark, with some credits of being a good maths students, you are not going to get a hell cool HSC as you wish! Having...
  10. Undermyskin


    Oh com'on. Then you'll write some articles for the Business section of SMH? That's boring. I mean real journalism. Maybe traditional a, how about crime, murder, massacre, racism, war and so on? As thrilling as possible. I can't find many impressive articles on such topics. (What I mean...
  11. Undermyskin

    please help me!!!

    There's no need to get worried. I think you've learnt about acidity and basicity of substances so indisputably substances can have acid or basic characteristics. I'm not so sure about what you're really asking and why you're get messed up. In minute details, substances when mass-produced cannot...
  12. Undermyskin

    HSCedge Online: $300 worth of HSC resources, FREE!

    Correct me if I'm wrong. I think they give the same samples for NSW and VIC? I mean, I just checked the Biology essays and they are similar to (if not the same as) the VIC parts???
  13. Undermyskin

    rankings for me

    It's hard to say as it depends how smart your fellows are. If they are extremely smart, you can be satisfied with a rank of lower than 10. Otherwise try your best to come first in everything 'cuz nothing is predictable. Only being a top student can confirm you a solid UAI above 90.
  14. Undermyskin

    Ext Subjects Outside of School Hrs - MAX hrs to be at school

    There's no policy about such thing. It depends on the school's authorities. This year we are kept until 3.40 but that's not bad. The free periods outnumber the in-class ones anyway.
  15. Undermyskin


    I knew it ages ago, mind you. lolz
  16. Undermyskin

    Ranking in terms of number of ppl

    The less the better. Though you come last but you're the bottom of a bunch of smartie, you'll end up way better than the middle of somewhat 100.
  17. Undermyskin


    Well, you have enough credits and interests to do Law. English, Legal Studies,'d better choose Law.
  18. Undermyskin

    Only The Heart

    Hey. It's not a TEXT BOOK, mind you. (thanks for that distracting info. blah blah blah.) I just came across Only The Heart in the Marrickville Library today (in the School Resource Section). I was freaked out when reading the character list. Vietnam war and blah blah blah. I did 'Meat party' in...
  19. Undermyskin

    Medentry . HELP ..~ Is it worth it?

    Thanks, I'd better train myself and wish for my best. lolz
  20. Undermyskin


    Coincidentally and quite fortunately I read the SMH for yesterday which included a separate booklet 'Survival Guide for freshmen/women or st' and there's a small article on how to choose a course and what is a commonplace pressure pressed on school-leavers and which is a common mistake met when...