Hey I got the email yesterday. Wheeee
That's strange. I agree. The resources are for Victorian students, not HSC. I guess they want us to use these essays and notes as extra materials??? as some of these are involved a bit in HSC. Crap.
Dentistry? I don't like staring all the time into others' black holes to observe any 'progress' of their descending and troublesome naughty teeth. Plus Dentistry always involves in hurting people. I swear going to Dentist's is one of my usual nightmares.
*cough* How much does it cost for a...
The red cabbage is a lab experiment that we did but it's of no use for anything 'around the home'.
Hydrangea is a natural indicator to show the acidity and basicity (red in acidic soil and blue/purple in basic soil) so it's good for gardening.
The indicator for swimming pool is a good example...
CH3 CHOHCOOH, I think it's the molecular formula. You can check the other thread about PLA as well.
LOLZ. I choose it as my biopol to do research. You can start from HSC online. I remember I got some info firstly from there.
Compostable bag (product)
Environmental friendly with 2 stages of decomposition. and st else.
I'm going to buy a disk containing like 400 or 1000 pages or st of a book used for MedEntry from a student currently doing it. Not sure if it's worth it but $50 is hell expensive.
I'm not doing HSC Music but I learn playing piano on my own. I'm looking for Canon in D major by Johann Pachelbel and also the C major one arranged by George Winston. I would appreciate if anyone can PM me. TIA.
:) Hi,
This can be the place to share shootmarks for the future and quite soon ahead: Uni. I don't know much about the courses that can satisfy my needs and wants so I stick to some common choices. It'd be good if you can share a bit with us as we all can 'identify our enemies' (just kidding)...
Which factors affect you most? Teachers, Text books' contents, activities in class, your classmates, etc.?
It can't be true that you hate something because you don't like it. There must be something that makes you hate it.
I love Chem. I have a good tutor who always picks on me (seriously) but...
LOLZ. So true. I'm expecting to get a warning like: We are looking foward to your mature behaviours and blah blah blah. Forget about any !*#&#@$%!#@^ thing as otherwise we, the teachers will @#(*&$%^@#* you .:lol:
By the way, if you don't want to buy THAT diary, you can make up your own one...
I think all these rankings are very biased (even the top 200 schools created by SMH). The criteria differ so widely that when putting a certain school into meticulous analysation, it seems to be too crap for that position.
The same for these novels. The author of the book I mentioned pamper Don...
I'm still waiting for the mail. It's bullshitting me.
The problem occurs as it gets closer to 25th, or to me more exact, noone can register after 25th. I think they don't permit any more registration. Bad luck, guys. There'll be soon a thread discussing on the quality of these FREE materials...
Oops oops oops. I read a book The Novels 100 today and it ranks Emma 14 or something. Don Quixote topped the ranking, followed by War and peace (shit, I've found this book for ages). Gone with the wind came last (100). Vanity fair is in top 50, I think. Great expectation (I read a few months ago...
This part is 100% a loop. plant is a...type of 'flora' and fruit fly is a type of 'fauna'. lolz.
Besides their high speed of growth, they provide identity of colour, appearance of the skin they can be simply detected without using microscopes. (while fruit flies with red or black eyes or long...
If you're destiny were to drop any of these, you would know which one to drop already. Why be so stressed, worrying can't bring any good. Just keep them all! Otherwise, just drop the one that you're least passionate in. If you're going to defend that you like them all, it's pretty ironic that...
I just figured out the different right when I posted the question. lolz.
Amphoteric is not necessary to be amphiprotic as amphiprotic involves proton accepting and donating while amphoteric relate to Lewis acids and bases (electron pair accepting and donating respectively). Thus, I've got a...
Crap, just think of st. When saying 'acting both like a base and an acid', what's that mean when relating to Bronsted-Lowry's theory when an acid must donate proton and a base must accept proton? So we should keep amphoteric to the earlier definition by Arrhenius?
This is strange. You are supposed to compare a dry cell with st like silver cell and lead-cell with either Vanadium cells or Gratzel's cell. Not between dry cell and lead-acid cells.
Edit: '???'