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  1. Undermyskin

    Displacement reactions.

    I'm so sorry for the mess-up before. ok. 3. Reactions always occur tho at times very slowly. The exact experimental answer can only be achieved in ideal condition with pure chemicals. What I said about the 'group' is that Conquering Chem place metals in order of decreasing reactivity: {K,Na}...
  2. Undermyskin

    dry cell or lead-acid cell

    I do lead-acid vs Vanadium redox cell. Stupidly I only got 29/30 for not setting up a proper table but I've got quite desired info about Vanadium redox cells so I could actually gain 1 mark from logic/concise criterion. lolz. So lucky. You can actually choose Gratzel's cell which is very very...
  3. Undermyskin

    alkanes and alkenes question

    HOBr is the most accurate one but if you write Br2 (aq) you won't lose mark (if lucky) or just a bit. lolz. It's like S +O2-> SO2 is the simplest and most popular but to be accurate, you must write: S8 +8O2 -> 8SO2 Cheers.
  4. Undermyskin


    Yeah, applying enthalpy to equilibrium can help... I've got a different explanation. Endothermic reactions include: photosynthesis, evaporation, thermal decomposition and reduction of metallic oxides with carbon. For these reactions, energy (in this case the heat) is absorbed. Equation: heat...
  5. Undermyskin

    wat sort of UAU will i get???

    You get nothing for UAU but a lot for UAI.
  6. Undermyskin

    first day of school

    You'd better go to a public school tho.
  7. Undermyskin

    HSCedge Online: $300 worth of HSC resources, FREE!

    Argh. I haven't received any mail yet! Today is 25th already! They deceive me? Hix
  8. Undermyskin

    Year 12 Jerseys

    Pink and brown can made some good jerseys, I think. Red and dark blue can make up old-fashioned carpets.
  9. Undermyskin

    first day of school

    Naah. It's a good school! I know a 'nerd' who gets into yr 11 this year and is studying 4u, English, Chem and Physics at James An College. She's not a geek at all! She knows mostly everything and her precocious mind-development is superb! I admire her. Very very very smart! She wants to to Med...
  10. Undermyskin

    Anyone here got band 6 in esl?

    Er...ok...which newspaper? I must see it 'cuz I'm heading to Medicine, too. Can't let him go so easily! Argh. :))
  11. Undermyskin

    Should i drop Physics?

    Just drop it if you hate it too much. I'm going to drop IPT, for god's sake, as it gets scaled down anyway---> not a good choice for UAI. I neither hate it nor like it but I want to spend more time on 4u and others subs. I drop it thusly. You're in a better position than me as Physics will get...
  12. Undermyskin

    Year 12 Jerseys

    Mine costs $65 with grey, white and black colours. Going to get it in two or three week time.
  13. Undermyskin

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Re: Uni aspirations. Er... don't be pissed off. I don't feel that much pressure from my parents tho. lolz. They just want to be sure I can get into Uni but don't come up with any sort of 'reincarnation' as you mentioned. They both studied Architectures at Uni and my dad also learnt Engineering...
  14. Undermyskin

    first day of school

    You guyz have to pay tuition fees? Being serious? I thought noone had to pay anything! $25 for the diary? They are rubbish! Yeah I got a 'lovely' leather-covered diary last year. People can get planners for free from lots of places: SMH (I got 2 so far), school (1), tutoring school (1) so...
  15. Undermyskin

    HSCedge Online: $300 worth of HSC resources, FREE!

    Oops...I think I lost it. No. OMG EDIT: My bad. I thought I received it already 'cuz I've got 2 mails so far. I just checked it and it said I would get it tomorrow! WHEEEEEE. I'm looking forward to whatever free of charge!
  16. Undermyskin

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Re: Uni aspirations. Hey, we're in common. I wanr to study combined law, arts and science and pharmacy. I want to study so many things lolz. My family still want me to choose a business course to assure a seat in the uni but I'm not really fond of it. Probably except for Accounting, other...
  17. Undermyskin

    first day of school

    It's fortunate if I can get a free diary and if I'm permitted to get a Train Pass. We'll have sport in the afternoon! So, first day: lectures in the morning + sports in the afternoon! LOLZ
  18. Undermyskin

    HSCedge Online: $300 worth of HSC resources, FREE!

    Hopefully they are not phony about what they promise and I can give genuinely FREE resources.
  19. Undermyskin

    Can i still do it ?

    Yeah. Why can't you do it? If you can find '20 good reasons' to give up, then give up. Otherwise you have enough time to attain whatever you want. A future doctor (as you can do Med) is optimistic, enthusiastic and genuinely passionate toward what he desires to do. I hope you would be him.
  20. Undermyskin

    HSCedge Online: $300 worth of HSC resources, FREE!

    If I'm not wrong, you can become the member from now until infinity. However, after the website is totally completed, it will charge you. 'd better read it again. I think they show that notice AFTER you register.