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  1. llamalope

    The bastard chauvinist and the bitchy feminist

    no, but :D nice one
  2. llamalope

    Music Thread

    I have a feeling this thread is going to turn into bitching about different styles of music. I PERSONALLY don't like heavy metal, black metal, thrash etc, but somehow, it seems to appeal to some people. That's why we still have it. Pop music obviously appeals to people because it CERTAINLY...
  3. llamalope

    Pride and Prejudice

    I second that! I am an avid fan of the BBC version, and of Jane Austen in general (except for Mansfield park)........ I watched it when it was first aired in 1995, and have been hooked ever since. Dude, how can you beat Colin firth? Those looks...that shirt...unbeatable combination. SO...
  4. llamalope

    The bastard chauvinist and the bitchy feminist

    and i can see you getting a wife REALLY easily with that attitude
  5. llamalope

    The bastard chauvinist and the bitchy feminist

    He doesn't care. He retired from being a pro jazz player.... its not REALLY new, but it's not like he was ALWAYS a house husband. He's also a fair bit older than my mum. He doesn't care, if he can't work, he'd rather be doing something at home to contribute. He never complains. He plays the...
  6. llamalope


    There are a few people I know going to Usyd, most are from SGHS... and I was surprised to see some of them the other day.... one came up to me and said hi, and I was like "WOAH... what are you doing here? I haven't seen you for 4 years!!! only one person from my school is going to USYD tho...
  7. llamalope


    is stu still blind? and if so, anybody willing to take a punt on how long that might be for?
  8. llamalope

    60 minutes Japanese man eating woman

    forgive me for ignorance... does that guy actually at least cook his victims or does he eat them raw either way, i find it disturbing, but I am just curious
  9. llamalope

    Tropfest 05

    I keep meaning to go every year.... and something always comes up. This year was no acception. but i am DETERMINED to go next year...
  10. llamalope

    Music Thread

    that doesn't mean that it is GOOD music. I agree, hip hop and r&b lately have been lacking some talent/style/originality
  11. llamalope

    Worst song you've EVER heard?

    katietheskatie.....ohh the dedication :D
  12. llamalope

    Buble, 'it's time'

    right on mate!
  13. llamalope

    dirty talk: yes/no? what do girls like to hear during sex?

    *repped* bwahahahaha as long as guys don't say derogatory stuff, calling a girl a bitch, slut or ho... i think you might be ok. compliments work well....
  14. llamalope

    The bastard chauvinist and the bitchy feminist

    my dad is a house husband now... he does the cooking, cleaning, ironing, washing and grocery shopping. Mum makes the moulah :D...sign of the times!
  15. llamalope

    The bastard chauvinist and the bitchy feminist

    I won't be a housewife. but i'll do some chores, and i expect my husband to do some as well. There's nothing wrong with both of us working... as long as the husband doesn't spend to many late nights working at the office...particularly if he has a hot secretary
  16. llamalope

    How do you get a girl to like you?

    i agree with ozgirl86. You can't MAKE somebody like you. they have to like you in the first place.
  17. llamalope

    Help with relationships........

    or similarly, "it's really you, and how you make ME feel, so i'll just say it's me......."
  18. llamalope

    Go after a friends ex???

    besides.... think of how the friend would feel? How would you like it if the guy who you once pashed/slept with was now all over your best friend? It would be just a little too creepy for my liking
  19. llamalope

    Faculty of Science Transition Workshop 05'

    I dunno.... i didn't really like the day THAT much... it wasn't as helpful as it could have been. But I met some ok people, which was a relief needless to say... the food was crap as. thank goodness I brought my own lunch :D
  20. llamalope

    the OC

    yeah, but i dunno... that whole story line dragged on a little bit too long... it was like, hurry up and go psycho already so we can get on with it!!!