ummm..... thats hard....These are all slowish songs... and they are not necessarily my personal faves, but they would just make good cover songs
beautiful disaster (the live version) - Kelly clarkson
Maybe I'm amazed - Paul Macartney
want you back - Mandy Moore
My heart still beats -...
not for sporting purposes.
I was saying that IF laws were to change, you can't test whether somebody is smart enough not to go shooting everybody. You can't exactly include that test with the census, and then send them a letter saying "ok, now you can go and buy a gun" or "no, sorry, we think...
good. Well thats what I was talking about before, if you'd like to read my posts. I stipulated that shooting as a sport is one thing, but Australia as a whole should not have the right to buy a gun to protect themselves, because of the homicidal so and so's that exist. A proportion of the...
If you are participating in target shooting as a sport, like as part of a registered club, then thats fine. Go own a gun and have your little fun. My dad used to do that.
but that is a hell of a lot different than giving everybody in Australia the right to buy a gun, if we were to become like...
and another thing.... very few people wait until they're 18 to drink. It's easy to buy drinks when you are under age. Who says that the problem would be any different in relation to handguns? with more guns in society, I'm sure younger people could get their hands on one somehow.
this is just...
I do not think that every Australian has the right to a handgun. If you are a member of a shooting society, then that's fine... that's a different thing. I know that you can get handguns on the black market, and outlawing hand guns may not stop gun crimes, but what possibly could be the benefit...
no, I don't think usyd people are overly snobby.... most that i saw today were just shy. the other male specimines left a little to be desired... but perhaps that has something to do with my degree rather than the general population.
yeah i discovered that thread... but I swear it wasn'tthere when i made this thread, or i wouldn't have made one..
i have a dress and all, but no date, and my other usyd friends aren't going... so i think it's a no from me...
well... i don't think there are any hot guys in my uni course.... :( waaahhhhh
but I don't know of any cases where a uni/hs relationship has lasted that long, UNLESS the girl/guy was in yr 12 and nearly leaving anyway. any bigger than that, and I don't see how it could really work that well
to make your boobs look bigger...which it does... (or, i'm afraid to admit, it did on her)
which he went on to explain later
ohh and it was a HORIZONTAL black and white stripey shirt
I dislike facial hair for the pure and simple reason that it's prickly... which detracts from those moments when you're kissing someone... or when you touch someones face...
for me... I know that some people look good with facial hair, a 5 o clock shadow, or whatever... but...well... i don't...
I really like jazz music.... perhaps this is influenced by the fact that my dad was the best jazz musician ever to come out of South Africa.....
but, its great to listen to...
and it makes some of the best dance music... music these days, while i love that too... somehow just doesn't have...
I don't believe
in the smile that you leave me with
when you walk away and say goodbye
I don't expect
the world to move beneath me
but for God's sake could you try?
I know that you're true t me
you're always there, you say you care
I know that you want to be mine
Where is you heart...