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  1. llamalope

    Dodgy BFs and Dodgy GFs

    I have three dodgy bf stories (I have NO luck!!!) And I'm bored, So I will tell you them. No1. The guy I liked, said that we should meet up sometime...and anyway, we did, and it went fairly well... but then a couple of weeks later I asked him to the movies, and the first time he said...
  2. llamalope

    Songs That Make You Cry

    Don't worry... my best friend cries everytime she hears "All i want for christmas is you"....its rather embarassing
  3. llamalope

    Biggest dilemma of my young life!

    Girl, just remember broke up for a reason right? whats to say that this time it will really be any better in the long run if you go back to your ex?
  4. llamalope

    Why are men afraid of exploring their sexuality?

    what a charming man. Taking lessons from Arabianknight i see?
  5. llamalope

    the OC

    I like them both... the only thing I dont like about Marissa, is that she is ALWAYS the victim...she plays that role really well.......but apart from that...its all good
  6. llamalope

    She doesnt wanna feel that sexual stuff is 'expected' of her

    Look I'm sorry, But I really wish your girlfriend could read what you post.... She might be surprised...or not!!!!!!!!!!
  7. llamalope

    She doesnt wanna feel that sexual stuff is 'expected' of her

    dude...with that post I think you just dug your own grave. You don't expect it, yet you get frustrated because it doesn't happen. Therefore you expect it. Which is what everybody has been saying all along. Perhaps you should actually read your OWN posts OBJECTIVELY. And.....don't ever tell your...
  8. llamalope

    I really like my best friend.

    bahaha, I've been down that road. We were in a group of 6 best friends (only one guy btw). Two of my best friends also liked the guy in our group. But I got the man in the end...then lost him..then got him again...then lost him..then in either works out great, and you get married...or...
  9. llamalope

    the OC

    One day to go :D
  10. llamalope


    Here's another little gem from my collection... You're callin' me a ho, 'cause I'm tryin' to get my freak on But bitch we're in a club, what the hell do you expect, bitch? I worked too freakin' hard to let a hater bring me down And we ain't sweatin' you What goes around comes back around...
  11. llamalope

    She doesnt wanna feel that sexual stuff is 'expected' of her

    She KNOWS you expect it. You have practically said so in all your posts. You should be in a relationship because you love the person...and you main concern shouldn't be "how do you get your gf to do sexual stuff!!!!" If she wants to do stuff with you, then it will happen, but not while you...
  12. llamalope


    thats a good point... plus you feel less exposed than pashing on a street corner or something...
  13. llamalope

    What do u say when......

    I wouldn't say anything....just keep walking
  14. llamalope

    Why are men afraid of exploring their sexuality?

    Because they're men, simple as that. Women are designed to nurture and be more emotional. Sometimes that leads to exploring those emotions with a member of the same sex. Men are not encouraged to share their deep feelings with each other, nor are they really designed to, and therefore unless...
  15. llamalope

    Age Difference

    I think that if you are in your early-mid teens, age usually matters. Once you get past 20....the age difference becomes less of a problem
  16. llamalope

    Favourite Character?

    You stole my thunder :)
  17. llamalope

    dumb things you've done on L's have 2 wait 7 days...but it usually ends up being 2 months because the RTA gets booked up pretty fast for those P tests but anyway...hopefully there are no people from my school on here ( i doubt it very much)...but after a concert this guy was driving another guy and a girl home...
  18. llamalope

    Whats your timetable like for this year

    i dont know how many hours.... but i have 5 subjects......and i shudder to think
  19. llamalope

    When is this 'Census Date'? beat me to it. I was going 2 say the same thing