Search results

  1. santaslayer

    Automatic update on itunes

    my itunes suddenly didn't automatically update my new songs on the ipod. the option for automatic updates is still checked but it still doesnt work. the funny thing is that the ipod drive itself still seems to be working fine. any help? thanks.
  2. santaslayer

    Network Adaptor Files?

    Hi, I am having some problems logging onto AOL. When I start the AOL browser, a small screen displays a message saying it is installing the required network adaptor files. It never did that before. After 2 unsuccessful log-ins (one of them being the "Host timed out) it is able to log on to...
  3. santaslayer

    Msxml 4.0

    I tried to install AOE 3 but it said it couldn't install MSXML 4.0 properly. What the hell is MSXML be4cause it NEEDS it to run the game. What should I do? I'm currently downloading the required program...but do i have to put it in the AOE3 file? Thanks. :)
  4. santaslayer

    edit me baby

    hi admin, i cant find the edit button no more. i made a rather stoopid post after reading the question again in a thread and would like to edit it. :p thanks. regards, me :)
  5. santaslayer

    msn again duhhh

    whenever i log onto msn 7.5 i get a popup telling me how many emails i have...whenever i click on it (or open any emails) the indicator on the top left hand of the screen subtracts itself. its not subtractng itself today. any suggestions? thanks. :)
  6. santaslayer

    You have X messages

    When I get an email on hotmail, MSN has a pop up indicating how many i have unread. When I clicked the popup today it didnt work. (The browser didnt come up) Any suggestions? Thanks. :)
  7. santaslayer

    iTunes sex

    I downloaded itunes six when i was prompted to do so. It was corrupted. Fuck. Anyone have similar problems?
  8. santaslayer


    Is there any authority on a handshake acting as an agreement to enter into a contract. I'm confused. Again. :p Thanks.
  9. santaslayer


    Why does iTunes like to play the next song even when the current one hasn't finished yet? This is especially the case when the song starts to lower it's volume...u know, when most songs finish they still don't go crazy with the music and all...can i remedy this? Also, what is in version 4.9? is...
  10. santaslayer

    Modifying File Extensions

    Hey, I have XP and I just downloaded an MP3. The MP3 has a file extension of 'TEST' and normally, I would just right click the file and rename it to music.mp3.. what i did just then, was double click on the file and chose itunes to be the file opener. Now it will only open itunes but not play...
  11. santaslayer

    NFI on Macroeconomics

    What is the relationship between actual aggregate expenditure, planned aggregate expenditure and real GDP? Thanks. :p
  12. santaslayer

    How many of you have taken the risk

    but what if shes mucking with you? i know a friend calls me studmuffin... it has no effect on me.
  13. santaslayer

    Getting to UNSW

    If I live on the pacific highway (artarmon), how do i get to UNSW? Is there a bus service that goes directly there?
  14. santaslayer

    cannot delete file>

    I have a file on the desktop I would like to delete but it comes up with an error message..? Title: Error deleting file or folder Content: Cannot read from source file or disk wtf do I do? Thanks. :)
  15. santaslayer

    Mobile Phone Blocking

    Can someone please refer me to some thing or service where I can block some dudes mobile number? Thanks. :p
  16. santaslayer


    I got this in my unimail....and I only use webmailk for uni crap... Dear ct499, Today, I returned to my car to find a note on my windshield which simply read: "A tree fell on your car... There is a dent on the passenger's side." Sure enough, my car had been extensively damaged...
  17. santaslayer

    Happy Semester 2

    Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy.... Mon-Wed... blehhh...
  18. santaslayer

    O-week i have to go or not...i keep asking this question each time oweek comes...i keep getting told something...but i keep forgetting whether i went or not..i def went during my 1st semester at uni...but i cant remember whether i went to oweek during all the other times... help please? :)...
  19. santaslayer

    Where are my Law.pdf files???

    I've noticed that a few of the more academically senior members of the law forum have contributed their assingments/questions and answers/exams whateva around BoS. They aren't necessarily all in the law forum...some are in USYD/UNSW law forums as well... but anyway...i did a search and...
  20. santaslayer

    Da Ambulance Chaser-Richard.B. Why are there 2 different prices on the same book? The only difference is the page number...why do i have to pay quite a few extra bucks for a few extra pages? (I cant even remember which...