Is this UAI ever going to change??? ...LoLz
What?...it's been 91.00 running for like 3 years straight...not that it affects me much...just immensley curious...
My Ipod shows a low battery indicator. (A battery with an exclamation mark symbol). It turns on whilst connected to the power outlet but dosent appear to be charging. Is there a soloution? Thanks.
any suggestions on 'fresher' places to go with a special one? instead of picnic, karaoke, clubbing or whateva...something new?...around sydney...anything special on?
my sista brought an ipod and it requires it to install a driver before the ipod is recognised...that has been done but the device still cannot be recognised....what are the possible problems/soloutiojns
also, the ipod claims to act as a storage device as well....how does that work?
How do I play different file extensions. I've tried different players such as quicktime, Windows media and realplayer. All players seem to be unable to locate the right software (codec) for different media types. Problem extensions include .avi/.mpeg.
Is there a site where I can download them...
Man...I actually changed my mind on election day and voted for Latham...not for the right reasons though....:p
If Costello becomes leader, I'll vote for him for sure....
why do my posts keep ending up on top of the thread creator's initial post?
Whoa...please explain..:p
It seems that whenever I quick quote, the post ends up on top of the post I was referring to. This has happened a few times today already...just a website stuffup?
Here's an example...
I can't really craft my degree as I can't choose which subjects to take or not. What I can do is pick my major and it'll probably be based on industry needs rather than my own interests and satisfaction. :p
EDIT: Why da hell is my post on top of the thread creator's????
Nothing to do...dont wanna study so i thought id do a little promotional spamming for UoW. :p
UOW mooters talk medicine. . .
Sep 28, 2004
University of Wollongong law students are among the best in the country at using quick...
What's a good free antivirus software I can use with regular updates?
I think my computer has been infected with a virus because it's not allowing me to browse the web with either IE or the AOL browser. The IE browser keeps giving me a ''Not repsonding'' message whilst AOL just automatically...
Old news but anyway...
No HECS fees rise at University of Wollongong
Jun 16, 2004
The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Wollongong, Professor Gerard Sutton, today announced that the University would not increase the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) for current and...
When I insert a game into my CD-RW to play it works for a minute or two. Then everything just turns/fades white and I can't see anything but a white monitor....what's happening? :confused:
For those who got their marks back, can you tell me what your essay was market out of? Was it marked out of 10 or 20? There's a huge discreprency about my mark on SOLS...:p
Thanks a lot. :)
Is there anyway whereby I can retrieve my old files from last session...specifically from the labs at the commerce building (40.)??? It appears that tyhey have been deleted. :(
Is today the gaybo week? Why am I seeing so many gaybo posters and signs? What is that petition thingy on the desk? Why dosen't anyone sign it? Why do we have a Queer Space? Is it an area where all the gaybos go to seek refuge? How many homosexuals are in our uni? I don't have a problem with...