Search results

  1. Ellie-Bee

    who's "into" hip-hop?

    one aussie hip-hop song that i think is funny (not sure what else to classify it as) is 'everytime' by butterfingers!! funny stuff...but generally i don't like hip-hop at all, not my thing!
  2. Ellie-Bee

    Pride & Prejudice on the ABC in 2 wks!!

    have any of you seen 'wives and daughters'??? i own it and i love it almost as much as P & P! :)
  3. Ellie-Bee

    Maureen McCarthy

    margaret / maureen - i can see where you got mixed up!! :)
  4. Ellie-Bee

    Maureen McCarthy

    one of my fav books is 'queen kat carmel.....' i love it to pieces and read it like twice a semester!! :) she is a top writer!
  5. Ellie-Bee

    big day out

    anyone know about any homebake rumours they'd like to share??? btw, utopia kicks ass!! :D
  6. Ellie-Bee

    Pride & Prejudice on the ABC in 2 wks!!

    wow. just watched 'regency house.' loved that show. poor mr fox-smith, but i'm glad that miss hopkins chose mr everitt!! :)
  7. Ellie-Bee

    Pride & Prejudice on the ABC in 2 wks!!

    woooohoooo!! this is the one!! cannot wait. hehehehe :)
  8. Ellie-Bee

    Songs for when you feel like crud...

    holes to heaven - jack johnson amen omen - ben harper what you want - john butler trio after all these years - silverchair last goodbye - jeff buckley everybody hurts - REM (:)) and more...!
  9. Ellie-Bee

    Spicing this form up!

    Which character would you: 1) Choose to tell your darkest secret to? jane bennett 2) Run to with the best news of your life? ummm 3) Allow to marry your sister? mr bingley (nice choice loz!!) 4) Allow to marry your mother? hahahaha good one that one... 5) Lose your...
  10. Ellie-Bee


    yeah they were ok. but all trials are different.... really hard q's for me on pop culture and belief systems. i didnt do great in my trials...
  11. Ellie-Bee

    done, done and done

    yeah true, last year this little kid did it for the indi performances and the group ones and totally screwed them up because they were too complicated . so this year ours did revolve around lighting too much or music or stuff like that!! lol :)
  12. Ellie-Bee

    Spicing this form up!

    hey loz. are you gonna post yours?? i'll post mine if you post yours!! lol. :)
  13. Ellie-Bee

    Pride & Prejudice on the ABC in 2 wks!!

    thats the one!! nice lad.
  14. Ellie-Bee

    annoying television ads!! grr...

    harvey norman ads. the ones that yell at you. so annoying.
  15. Ellie-Bee

    Pride & Prejudice on the ABC in 2 wks!!

    how cool is mr darcy's cousin?!!! i can't think of his name tho....!
  16. Ellie-Bee

    Pride & Prejudice on the ABC in 2 wks!!

    hehehe....nice one! what i think is awesome is that most of the dialogue from the series is taken directly from the book! :) love it.
  17. Ellie-Bee

    How were your trials results???

    wooooohooooooooo i just got legal back and i thought i wouldnt do good! i got ranked at 5th in the class (14 total) SO HAPPY!! :D i didnt even think i'd pass.
  18. Ellie-Bee

    Honest Album Titles

    i'm liking the creed album - 'we know we suck'!!! :D
  19. Ellie-Bee

    done, done and done

    yesterday i did my group performance! its over!! SO HAPPY!! :D :uhhuh: has everyone else done theirs??? how did yours go??
  20. Ellie-Bee

    Pride & Prejudice on the ABC in 2 wks!!

    mr bennett rocks. 'specially with his comment in the series about mr collins - if lizzie doesnt marry mr collins her mother would never talk to her again and if she does, he would never talk to her again!! makes me laugh everytime! :D :uhhuh: