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  1. Ellie-Bee

    Pride & Prejudice on the ABC in 2 wks!!

    the actor who play mr bingley (crispin) is helena bonham carter's cousin. there's a bit of trivia for you all!! :)
  2. Ellie-Bee

    'Its a matter of trust'

    does anyone think that peter garrett is a 'traitor'?? because he stood for so many environmental issues before he joined the labor party and now he seems to not be so passionate about them.... (btw, i've just heard people call him a traitor - may not be my opinion!!)
  3. Ellie-Bee

    the John Mayer thread (merged)

    john mayer's a bit of a champ!! i like the album 'room for squares' i havent got the other one!
  4. Ellie-Bee

    'Its a matter of trust'

    front page of the sydney morning herald today states that this election is 'a matter of trust.' makes me laugh. does anyone here seriously trust john howard or mark latham??? does anyone really trust any politician?!?!?!
  5. Ellie-Bee

    Pride & Prejudice on the ABC in 2 wks!!

    how good was last nights episode?? i own it but i just had to watch the first part of it.....up till lizzy goes home! how good is that scene at mr darcys house....where lizzy and him have that 'moment'!! :D
  6. Ellie-Bee

    Worst TV show

    big bro, the bill (used to be good couple of years back), seventh heaven and the list goes on.......
  7. Ellie-Bee

    Pride & Prejudice on the ABC in 2 wks!!

    please elaborate???
  8. Ellie-Bee

    Pride & Prejudice on the ABC in 2 wks!!

    one of the best characters = mr bingley!! so well meaning and nice :D
  9. Ellie-Bee

    Pride & Prejudice on the ABC in 2 wks!!

    not only is mr darcy hot, but he is the champion of the story!! :D
  10. Ellie-Bee

    World Order

    yeah we've just finished it. how depressing. we watched a video on the rwanda genocide - so disturbing! world order was a pretty ok topic tho, apart from the case studies! :)
  11. Ellie-Bee

    pop culture

    yeah, salad means change! :D
  12. Ellie-Bee

    35 sleeping with 13

    i think that its pretty bad considering the teacher has been put into a position of trust and she 'took advantage' of the poor little innocent 13 year old! pretty disturbing.... WOOOO HOOO 50 POSTS!!! :D
  13. Ellie-Bee

    How fast do you read?

    i'm a fairly fast reader.....depending on the text! if its 'emma' by jane austen it takes me about 5 hours to read 4 pages!! hehehe :D
  14. Ellie-Bee

    pop culture

    i did my speech on the Idol phenomenon - like Aussie Idol and Pop Idol. in class we're doing McDonalds! so we went on an 'excursion' to the local Maccas to 'observe'. lol :D we had Maccas for breakfast!!!
  15. Ellie-Bee

    Pride & Prejudice on the ABC in 2 wks!!

    i like watching jane austen but i find it hard as hell to read!! i'm doing emma/clueless for english and it took me AGES and AGES to finally finish the book! :rolleyes:
  16. Ellie-Bee

    How were your trials results???

    eeek!! sorry buddy!! :)
  17. Ellie-Bee

    How were your trials results???

    nice work jhakka!! :) well done!
  18. Ellie-Bee

    How were your trials results???

    so yes...? how were they?? mine = bad so far. only got maths and english back but they havent been to fantastic......
  19. Ellie-Bee

    Which 2004 movie are you looking forward to most this year?

    bourne supremacy the village the ladykillers bridget jones 2
  20. Ellie-Bee

    Pride & Prejudice on the ABC in 2 wks!!

    my mum bought it on video ages and ages ago. lucky me, i didnt have to pay!! hehe :)