You are focusing on the right areas.
I have stated something on the topic elsewhere (however the examiner's guide is the more accurate guide)
Cases in consent would include: Solle v Butcher; Commercial Bank v Amadio, the...
Some level 4 subjects (or onwards) which are usually reserved for postgrads can also be enrolled into by undergrad students. You will need to apply to the school offering the unit and to the least they will need to consider how many years you have been studying, what you have studied etc... For...
The reason it was taught that way is that negligence was previously closely related to facts of a case. Originally prior to the Heaven v Pender, all that needed to be proven was negligent conduct, and damage arising from that conduct. However a question of law has arisen, we also need to...
Our punishments are already seen as too low for many crimes. In order to have a good justice system, you need to engage the faith of the community.
I also read home detention is alot cheaper - not more expensive - maybe we need some economies of scale - but im sure it wouldnt take very much...
Exactly, the nature of the two Acts are differing.
And you are spot on the money about the overseas junk mail. However I suppose you could complaint to the authorities of the overseas company.
You may have come accross two pieces of legislation dealing with consumers: The Fair Trading Act 1987 (NSW) and the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth). Just thought I would make a point on the difference. Both pieces of legislation contain a clause on diceptive and misleading trade practices...
One of my lecturers was a member of the Consumer Trader and Tenancy Tribunal. He told us that he would always ensure mediation was used prior to him making a decision.
In my opinion law reform has focused around consumers mainly. In the view of contract law it can be unfair. You enter a contract with the assumption that both parties are at an equal footing. Certainly this is a determinate of remedies. An example is the court granting specific performance. A...
Well its good to hear you have aspirations.
wog boy some of ur comments are rude. Please be more polite.
Calling me wog boy isn't necessarily polite in itself.
If i rape you in my house - the government will steal my house possibly. they will confiscate it. If someone is raped in...
I had a uwsconnect meeting today and spoke to the person who is organising the "Vibe" magazine. It will be different from the Onion, it's apolitical and will have info on student events, vouchers, deals and the like.
Medicine is a double degree (Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery), to combine it with law would make it a triple degree taking at least 8 years to complete full time. And then you would need to do prac for them both.
Law students are told that a top gun in legal studies doesn't make you a gun in understanding the workings of the legal system. I congratulate you on your terriffic work. But legal studies has a tendancy as you have shown to exaggerate legal issues. And its a problem.
so that doesnt...
I agree with some of the points you have made. Incentives to be law-abiding and be proactive is always a good thing.
Isnt jail meant to be as a last resort? yet petttty criminals are being thrown in there. Shouldnt we put a stop to this? what are you going to do about this?
When they...
I would recommend UWS (:D)). I did a psychology unit last year and found our facilities are very advanced and specisations include clinical social and forensics.
If you do psych/law, you will need to a Grad Dip in Psych or Honours. Then you need to practice for 2 years under supervision and...