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  1. J


    There is a POP3 option where you import your other email into your UWS account. There is also an option to redirect your UWS email to that account. Can't remember exactly how that is done. I think its under User Preferences.
  2. J

    Artificial Conception Act 1884 (NSW)

    Very few databases have repealed acts. The best thing to do would be to get the act in hard copy which many libraries might have, perhaps the State Library.
  3. J


    I think its a problem a lot of people have. Even my lecturers have said the same. Try and use the email forwarding option. It means your email is redirected into your other email account and you can open it there.
  4. J

    wats the penalty 4 child porn

    Your welcome.
  5. J

    Hung Jury

    Where a jury is present, the judge does not give a verdict. You can elect to have a judge-only trial, the problem with that is one person's decision will affect your outcome. The system can allow for unlimited retrials.
  6. J

    Hung Jury

    A hung jury as you pointed out means that the jury can reach a unanimous verdict. Civil proveedings are different to criminal. Note under the Jury Act 1977 s57: -------- 57 Majority verdicts in civil proceedings (1) Where the jury in civil proceedings have retired for more than 4...
  7. J

    Consumers ass. help!

    Pleasure, good luck and keep us posted.
  8. J

    wats the penalty 4 child porn

    There are a range of sanctions, depending ont he circumstances. Under the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) s91H: The posession of child pornography carries a maximum 5 year prison sentence. The production or dissemination of such materials carries a 10 year prison sentence.
  9. J


    A lot of these gangs form or flourish in schools, because most gang members do not perform too well in school.
  10. J

    Sexual harassment- civil or criminal?

    You can make a civil claim after prosecution, however if the courts have punished the offender, you cannot sue for punitive damages as the courts have already punished the person. This is called the "Once and for all rule", meaning once a case has been tested, can't test it again. In...
  11. J

    Consumers ass. help!

    Originally the law in consumers was developed from two main areas, Torts and Contract law. Torts was developed to remedy 'wrongs' that people committed. The fundamental question in torts is "Should the loss lie where it fell ." So should B who was negligent to A, pay for A's damages? To...
  12. J


    Generally under state laws, the area of Public Order Offences, where police have the power to ask such groups to move along. My point about gangs in my research is there are certain factors about a gang which lead to crime. Isolation, the masterminding of offences. Many gangs which can't...
  13. J

    Bag snatch in Lakemba

    He is not even in the military, he is a contractor helping to rebuild the country. And if he wasn't innocent, why would you hate those who were to harm him?
  14. J

    Bag snatch in Lakemba

    But I have the guts to do it, which counters your original argument that I was gutless and hiding behind the law. Killing witches is ok - are you a kid? there is no such thing as witches . So there is no reason to burn them. So i dont care what the law says its immoral.Stop hiding behind...
  15. J

    Bag snatch in Lakemba

    I have to say it certainly was something that made me laugh. You made a funny comment.
  16. J

    Bag snatch in Lakemba

    lol also can u tone down on the personal insults i know i called u wog boy or something, but i didnt mean it in an offensive way. :) Mate you just said you hope an innocent man dies so you can have reason to hate more. If that isn't selfish, what is? No offence, but that statement...
  17. J

    Bag snatch in Lakemba

    I think you can be decent, and what's interesting is we often agree but for same strange reason on different counts. as for ur dad? he is a cop? he wears some uniform etc? so? everyone knows there is more honor and courage in the military than the police. Arguably not. Police do a very...
  18. J

    Bag snatch in Lakemba

    I agree. I teach martial arts around that area, and the socioeconomic factors are a significant.
  19. J

    Bag snatch in Lakemba

    Funny that! Most of the references you make are covered in law you make no mention of or take into account. So i guess before 1967 u agree that abos didnt deserve to vote. Whether I think they deserved to vote is a different story. I don't think they should have voted on legal...
  20. J

    Bag snatch in Lakemba

    hehe, Candilish3z is a true Australian in my opinion! (and she isn't stupid either) But of course our country respects the views of all its citizens, even though many as demonstrated by some are vilifying.