What a pathetic little excuse for a person, he's probably an albino midget that cant go out in sunlight or he catches on fire or something, and the only people he talks to are those he can insult over the net...Sourie you are a loser who needs a really good flogging.
On a side...
Nah 2 this week and 2 next week
On the upside our whole form finishes on the same day (SOR) which is pretty cool, all 117 of us are gonna go straight to the pub afterward, en masse, which should look pretty mad :)
I have too much time on my hands??
I do believe you are the one who has posted that indian fucks phone number and shit on 5 different threads (that ive read) i think you hate him as much as me...;)
Oh btw i DO have a lot of time on my hands, i had this entire week off...:p
Fuck off you indian tosser, you just cant stop being a loser can you? This car of yours (and i use the word 'yours' loosley) is no doubt a beaten up old kingswood that your grandpa has been driving around in for the last 45 years, which you 'borrowed' off him in order to impress the chicks (not...
Righto why the fuck would you post pics of dead animals on a HSC study forum?? What kind of sick fuck are you?
I have no problem with shooting but you might want to keep your pics to yourself buddy, there be women who use this forum...
Extreme Anti-Climax!!
It dosent even feel like the culmination of 13 years of schooling, im beyond caring now, i quite simply couldnt give a rats arse anymore
Oh you poor confused buggers...i feel for you i really do. Maths is pointless and stupid, when will you all learn?
Ill be thinking of you all while sleeping in my warm cozy bed on monday and tuesday :p :p
Good luck :)