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  1. Lazy

    When do you finish your HSC?

    Here Here, i know how you feel :rolleyes:
  2. Lazy

    Graduating High School

    Bugger me man you only got your jersey TODAY!!! We've had ours for like 6 months :D Whats the go with that??
  3. Lazy

    Yr12 Jerseys: Whats Urs Like??

    Ours are like super leauge jerseys, all blue and white with our names on the back, they look pretty cool but they have really tight sleeves which give me the shits something fierce :mad
  4. Lazy

    Trial Marks?

    Good advice Moderns my best subject and i was pretty happy with 94% :D On a side note: fire_and_ice, have you read the series of books called "A Song Of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin?? Just curious :p
  5. Lazy

    hey everyone

    Dont bother reading "inside the third Reich" Speer is so on himself and so amazingly "forgetful" of important facts. Example: "Hitler refused to let me travel to Norway, Finland and Russia because he considered the journey too dangerous and me too indispensable, without me the empire would...
  6. Lazy

    Muckup Day/Week: Ideas, Photos Etc

    Is anybody else thinking of doing something to a different school as well as their own?? Cause our school has a long standing rivalry with another school near us (hey its not our fault they cant play rugby for shit) and a few of us were thinking of doing something nasty to them :D Anyway a...
  7. Lazy

    Is it worth it?

    Bugger going back to school for another 9 years!! *shudders* But as weisy said its entirley up to you :D Good luck anyway mate :p
  8. Lazy

    When do you finish your HSC?

    :( :( Well i think i beat everyone!! :D As it is compulsory to do SOR at our school, our entire form finish on the same day, Thursday 14th of November :p Which just happens to be the second last day of exams.....:mad: Bloody Vincentians :rolleyes:
  9. Lazy

    someone confess!!!

    HAHAHAHA what a great idea :D :D But where the hell did they steal 50 garden gnomes from??:p :p
  10. Lazy

    Graduating High School

    No offence or anything, but i was under the impression you were a girl :confused:
  11. Lazy

    search for a supermodel

    lol Dont knock ray martin, i used to love him :p Or maybe it was the full frontal version of ray martin i loved.....hmmmmm :D
  12. Lazy

    What do your teachers think of us???

    I apologise if i went a bit over the top in my earlier post, but i still stand by my reasoning. Just because theres other options available to gain recources dosent mean you have the right to take books meant for everyone. At my school this is a huge problem, with thousands of dollars worth of...
  13. Lazy


    Passions is the worst show ever created. I can remember watching an episode where they were all at a party, then i saw another episode a month later and they were STILL at the SAME party. Nothing ever happens!!:confused: How is that interesing??:rolleyes:
  14. Lazy

    What do your teachers think of us???

    Fuck people like you give me the shits!! :mad: The library is there for ALL students not just one selfish prick. These sneaky little bastards who run around stealing resources meant for everyone need a good flogging. What ever happened to old school ideals?? Maybe you should consider...
  15. Lazy

    Graduating High School

    Holy shit man i know how you feel :eek: Im so used to not wanting to go to school, but now that theres shit all days left i actually WANT to go to school :eek: Its all finally coming home to me how big a part of life school has been *sigh* good times :)
  16. Lazy

    Graduating High School

    :p :p I love it when im right :D :D Thanks Milly :)
  17. Lazy

    Old skool kids shows!!

    Was hermes that stupid old security guard? :p Yeah he was a crack up :p :p
  18. Lazy

    27th SEPTEMBER

    Probably because the smarter people have more options, the smarter you are the more subjects you can do, so the harder the choice :)
  19. Lazy

    Graduating High School

    I agree :)
  20. Lazy

    Graduating High School

    Just let it all out.............. :p