Alex that unnatural calm of yours is beginning to shit me, can you please just post an insulting remark about someone, or use your mod powers for evil, or even acknowledge that the HSC begins in 2 days....*Begins to rave to himself*
I used to love that show!! With that fat little kid who was always pissing off the dad, and betty lol she cracked me up the silly bitch, and the dumb arse son....i used to watch every episode when it was on:p
Ahhhhh good times :)
Ive been really laid back about sitting these exams, not stressing or anything, really taking it easy. Not to say i havent been studying, i just havent made it the centre of my life as it seems so many others have. But now, with it so close, it feels as if these invisible walls are closing in...
Well there you go, stannies only has 700, no wonder you "always beat our arse in everything" *said with extreme sarcasm and disbelief* Pius are a bunch of tossers :p
Dont make it the be all and end all of your entire existence, as lilith said, its important but not the only thing that matters. Remeber that and you'll go fine ;)
Is this a trick question or something??
Of course we're all bored with it, its all a load of shit in my opinion, but unfortunatley we need a certificate that says we have done that load of shit to get a decent here we are :rolleyes: